Saturday, July 11, 2009

Are We Moving On?

On 10 July, 2009 (Friday), my ex-school, SMK Bandar Utama Damansara (4) had its annual talent night. It is an event where most students of that school and ex-students get together to enjoy a good show performed by their talented students. It was an opportunity for me to meet up with my ex school buddies, some of the best friends of my secondary years.

The event was very successful; performances were also much better than previous years. However, it was not the performance that mattered, it was the time that I could spend with my closest friends. Ever since moving on to college, we rarely had the chance to meet up. Most of the time at college, I would always wonder how different it would be like if only we had gone for the same course. Although we keep in constant touch through instant messaging, it lacked the spontaneous humour and togetherness.

There are nine of us, four of whom were friends from my primary school, the other four from secondary. Regardless, we were so close during our secondary days. We would spend recess together, hang out together, share laughs and even faced and solved problems together. It was like we were family. I would feel so safe whenever I was around them, I could be myself when I was with them, never worrying about embarrassing myself or having to prove myself. I was always the true me without reservations when I was with them. The friendship we had was perfect; we were thick as thieves.

However, things seemed to change a little when we began college. Eight of us started college, whereas one of us went for national service. All of us were busy doing our own thing, though we occassionally managed to find time to meet up. The first few "meetings" were still a blast, laughs, jokes, photos, it was great. However, during this talent night, even though very slightly, some magic was gone. Communication between us was beginning to seem different. Is it true that in time, we would need to move on? Is it true that we will find others to replace the friendship we had?

Honestly, when I first started college, it was difficult for me. I was depressed, upset and could not accept the fact that my closest friends and I were actually separating. When meeting other people, I would compare them to the eight "family" members, wondering if they could ever be replaced. We never know what we have until it's gone; I never realized that the absence of these eight people in my life could affect me so badly. However, I am beginning to overcome these insecurities; feeling reminescent less and less as days go by (perhaps it is the overload of assignments that distract me).

What I would do to get the times we had back. "Where does all the time go?", a quote by Chief James Porter from the movie The College Road Trip, is really meaningful. Times passes so fast. I would never forget the times we laughed so hard that we cried, the times we went through obstacles together, the times we were inseparable. I love them and miss them a lot, and hopefully, they do too. Thanks for giving me the best school life a kid could ever wish for, thanks for an education in life, thanks for enriching my life. What would I have done without you guys? We may grow and change, but no time can take away what we had, not in a million years.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Patience when working with kids

This is actually a continuation of my last post as this takes place within the home of the children. After we finished our lunch and had introduce ourselves to all of the children and they had done the same, we were to help them with their homework. So since we were ten people and they were about the same number, they got to choose who they want as their tutor. So i got chosen by a 10 or 12 year old chinese boy.

He was a really nice kid that suffered from a caugh however. My task was to help him write a karangan (composition) in BM of 80 words. It was from one of those newspaper exercises where all the points are given. The karangan would have taken me perhaps 10mins to complete, but of caurse he was the one supposed to be doing it. So i tried to let him think most of everything, and his BM wasnt good, plus i had only 2.5hours sleep the night before, so my BM side of my brain wasnt workin well either. Not that my BM is good tho.

This is how it worked, he said his point of how he wanted to write it, then i corrected it as far as possible and then i had to translate and help him to write it out (not actually write but how to spell and things like that). Other children started helping me out and got rather impatient with him, somehow i was the most patient guy at that time. haha. Guess i can be really patient, alot of people tell me that but i dont really believe them, but this time i admit, i was really patient. Maybe cause i didnt sleep much and i was working rather slow myself, never know.

Anyhow, it took us an hour or more to finish the karangan!

After that we decided to go back. He asked me if we were planning to come back every weekend. I didnt know how to answer, I wasnt planning to come back actually, it just didnt seem to be my thing but that we actually meant so much to them touched my heart.

I really hope there are less people like me and more people who are willing to really help these children. It tought me alot though and i hope all goes well for these children.

visit to a home for underprivaledged children

This Trip took place last weekend, on sunday. It was a moral studies project that required us to go and visit a home either for old folks, orphans etc. and write a report, conduct an interview and help out. We went to home that was established by a church and was for children with needs that the family was not able to provide, or abused children.

We met up in the morning and went to the home at about 10.30 or 11. Upon reachin there we saw the children that were singing songs and then went straight for an interview that we had planned with the person incharge. This went relatively well except that our human communication skills were not really in used except for 2 people who were asking the question. We had to answer some ourselves though as well, and most of us were rather shy. After a while we got more comfortable, but as our turn to ask questions had finished with the last question being something like this "do you think that religion and faith affects a persons morality?". I thik this question triggered something in her as she started to go on about religion and faith. In the process she managed to contradict herself at least three times about heaven and hell. Honestly, people who dont really know the facts or dont know how to express what they think or know, should stick to their personal testimonies and not talk about the religion itself and what should be believed.

Well, anyhow, after that was done we went on to helping around the house, i took over washing the car and cutting the grass. Here i managed to get to know and interact a bit with some of the children. I also got to find out that some of them were scared of frogs as i managed to catch 3 and showed them to the children. After all this was done we had lunch but not with the children yet. Later on we got to introduce ourselves to them and they to us. Was fun and we were as shy as the children themselves i think.......

Friday, July 10, 2009

Who is the Best?

Yes, Joyi once told me there is an impromptu speech to be done in Human Comm. I was petrified in class because Sir actually refreshed my memory. Actually I don't feel anything wrong with it because I believe no matter how difficult the task is, you will still get it done in the end. It all depends whether you do it successfully or otherwise.

But the other day was different. I began to worry about the speech. It looked more like a motivation class rather than the usual lecture class. Suddenly Sir asked, "Who is the best?". Deep down inside, I knew the answer should be ME. A few of us actually said it out. I almost cried because I felt very stressed. I didn't want to say out my answer. I don't want to make a promise to anyone but I break it. Self-motivational books I have read a lot. Motivation camps and seminars I have been to many. The problem is inside me. I still don't own the courage to be bold enough to hold to my own beliefs.

Sometimes I like to stay quiet in class because I'm afraid of getting the wrong answers. There are times someone else have spoken my answers and they get the compliments. Who doesn't enjoy compliments? Sometimes I'd be brave, unfortunately, my answers are wrong. And I started to think a lot about why I can't live up to someone's expectations. But most of all, what I fear most is the way how someone judges me based on my feedback.

In an informal conversation with friends, I always lie to myself. Just because I don't want any bad consequences or circumstances, I conform with other people's thoughts even I have my own way of seeing it. I would rather be dumb or shallow-minded rather than to debate with someone else. Daddy taught me to be humble and talk when you're supposed to, listen when you're supposed to. And I also believe that we don't have to let the whole world knows what we know because it all doesn't really matter. What matters the most is whether we, ourselves truly understand it or we're just pretending to understand.

In class, I can tell many of us, excluding me, are very competitive. Not only they are good in academics but also in sports. And what makes me feel small is that I'm one year elder then the rest but I seem nothing. I never get to be the best but always come in second place. Even if I'm the best, I'm always sharing the position with someone else. Why can't it be only me?

As for the impromptu speech, I will probably go with the flow and must have a positive mind set. Meanwhile I shall just see what's in store for the up-coming lectures related to public speaking. Even if I won't be scoring for the speech, at least I have do my best. I don't think I will ever regret.

Signed off,

Public Speaking Experience

Since this week's class was about public speaking, I thought I'd share my own experience on it. If you know me, you would never guess that I have done public speaking. As far as I can remember, one of the first few times I went for public speaking was when I was eleven years old (Standard five). It was not exactly public speaking, but a story telling competition.

In conjunction with the "English language week", my school had organized a story telling competition, an annual ritual the school dutifully abided by. When I was in standard five, my English teacher, Miss Ngoh, asked for volunteers to participate in the competition. Obviously suicidal at that point, I raised my hand to volunteer. We were told to pick a story and we were "auditioned" in front of the whole class before we were eligible to join the competition.

I still remember my mother helping me choose a quirky poem written by Roald Dahl for me. It was entitled "The Ant Eater". She thought it would be unusual as it was a corny story written as a poem, unlike any other conventional story. Choosing a story was not the only obstacle. Preparing for it was even worse. My pronunciation, my gestures, my tone and pitch all needed to be perfected to suit the poem. There were many occasions where my panic button went off, just thinking about being on stage!( I did not know what to expect eventhough I did dance on stage once in standard one but I could not remember how that felt).

I was the only one out of five other hopefuls who had volunteered, to be selected. After a few more weeks of hard work, practice and guidance from both my teacher and my mother, the day I was waiting for (now dreading) finally arrived.

During the competition, I broke out in cold sweat; I was afraid of so many things. What if I forgot my words? What if I pass out even before I reach the microphone? When it was almost my turn, I had to calm myself down by giving myself a little "pep talk" (intrapersonal communication). I told myself that I would be fine, that I could do it. When it was my turn, I put on a brave front and walked towards the microphone, and began.

Once I was done, I was relieved. I was happy with my performance, I could say that I did well. No fumbles, no unnecessary pauses. A few weeks after the competition, during assembly, the winners of the competition were announced and trophies were given. The teacher announced from tenth place, slowly progressing to first place. Name after name, except mine, was called out. Finally when she announced second place( still not my name!) my heart sank.

Then it was announced"first place goes to..... Hooi Kit Wei!" I was stunned. I sat there with my mouth gaping open, full of disbelief that I was the champion. I stood up and raced towards the stage, went up, and was congratulated by the teacher. TRIUMPH!...such a sweet and irreplaceable feeling!

That was seven years ago. The experience was a real eye opener. I never knew that I had it in me; the confidence, the expression, the feel, it all seemed natural. However, when I proceeded to secondary school I never participated in any form of public speaking. Now that I am in college, it seems like most subjects require us to do public speaking and hopefully, I will be good enough to be who I was seven years ago.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Man.

Luckily I came just on time. The movie rolled in.

The record played College Road Trip staring Raven-Symoné and Martin Lawrence, just to name a few. The title speaks for itself as this movie is about the path to take to further one's studies. But to me, it's the other way round. I think it tells more about daughter and father.

I was pretty surprised to see Lucas Grabeel at the intro of the movie, but he holds such a teeny-weeny role in the movie. The laughters that roared in the class described it all because there are countless scenes especially those with the Greenhuts who keep singing and screaming. What striked me most, it actually made us, okay maybe only me, cried.

I'm well-known for my thousand litres of tears. I get touched easily. Or I can say, every little things that happen around me can easily make me feel emotional. First, I held back those tears. Then, it flowed. Next, it was beyond control. Finally, I cried silently.

College Road Trip very much relates to me and Daddy. It reminds me the day I left for National Service and also the day I arrived home, sound and safe. Then, I remember those 14 days how much I missed Daddy especially. Looking back at my own life, I cannot even remember the last time I sincerely say those three words to Daddy. Of course I tell him I love him, occasionally. Say, Father's Day? But deep inside, I know I just say it but not truly mean it. Daddy is a very cool man, as in cold and really flexible father who gives you enough freedom.

I hate the fact Daddy doesn't want to get me a car because he fears about safety. Everyone else around my age gets a car. Plus, I'm out of my probation period.
I hate the fact Daddy always makes Mummy waits for my door. I have my own keys.
I hate the fact Daddy takes the TV all by himself on weekends. At least, we both enjoy Asian Food Channel.
I hate the fact Daddy loses his temper easily. I'm just like him.
I hate the fact I talk to Grandpa more than Daddy ._.

I was browsing through My Pictures folder and I found none of the pictures are taken with Daddy. =(

Daddy, I always love you.

So Sir said this movie has something to do with our up-coming impromptu presentation. But I couldn't figure out a single thing related to it. I wonder what it is. =D *curious* And there's this one quote I like very much from the movie.

If they don't want you, it is their loss. =)

Signed off,

Guys, Take a nap!!

Just relax for a while~~A Jokes, that can make u smile in the middle of your stresses :D

Condom says to Kotex, 'When you work, I lose seven days of business.' Kotex replies, 'If you fail to work once, my business stops for nine months
A black guy and a white girl met at a night club. She took him to her apartment and said: 'tie me to the bed and do what black men do best!' so he ran off with the TV and VCD...
Wife: 'I wish I were a newspaper, so you can hold me every morning!' Husband: 'I wish you're a newspaper TOO, my dear so I can have a NEW ONE every morning! ===========================
A Chinese couple got married. When baby was born, her eyes were big and blue, hair was curly and blonder, skin was brown. Finally, name of the baby was SAM TING LONG ('some thing wrong')
A lady visited her doctor one morning. Doc said: 'You look so weak and exhausted! Are you eating your meals 3 times a day as I advised? Lady : 'Doc, I thought you said 3 males a day!' ============================
Phone rings and maid picks up the phone as her master is bathing..... When the caller asked what's he doing, the maid Replied: 'MASTURBATING.'(master bathing)===================================================
A Kid asks: Daddy? How did i come into this world?The Daddy Answered: Well, my child, somebody I'll have to tell you any way.The Kid asked again: So why not today? The Dad Respond: Please, listen carefully Mum and dad met each other in an Internet Cafe. In the Bathroom of that cafe, dad connected to mom.Mom at that time made some downloads from dad's memory stick.when dad finished uploading we discovered we didn't use any firewall.Since it was too late to cancel or delete, nine months later we ended with a virus.
Kid said: Oh~~So, I am virus..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Charlie and Chocolate Factory

My most favour movie is "Charlie and chocolate factory". I have been repeating watch this movie without bored. This is an interest movie, if have time, just watch it as relax. First of all, the main character - Willy Wonka decides to let five children into his chocolate factory, he decides to release five golden tickets in five separate chocolate bars, causing complete mayhem. The tickets start to be found, with the fifth going to a very special boy, called Charlie Bucket. With his Grandpa, Charlie joins the rest of the children to experience the most amazing factory ever. But not everything goes to plan within the factory...

Charlie Bucket comes from a poor family but he was a filial boy, and spends most of his time dreaming about the chocolate that he loves but usually can't afford. Things change when Willy Wonka, head of the very popular Wonka Chocolate empire, announces a contest in which five gold tickets have been hidden in chocolate bars and sent throughout the country. The kids who find the tickets will be taken on a tour of Wonka's chocolate factory and get a special glimpse of the wonders within. Charlie miraculously finds a ticket, along with four other children much naughtier than him. The tour of the factory will hold more than a few surprises for this bunch.

Charlie Bucket is a young boy who comes from a poor but loving family and would love nothing more than to find a golden ticket to enter the amazing chocolate factory run by inventor and owner Willy Wonka. As luck would have it, Charlie finds the last golden ticket and goes on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure with his grandpa Joe. Among the other four winners are Veruca Salt, a spoiled rich girl; Augustus Gloop, a gluttonous kid who stuffs his face with sweets; Violet Beuragarde, a champion trophy gum chewer; and Mike Teavee, a kid who spends more time watching TV and playing video games than anything else. Most fascinating is the mysterious Willy Wonka who in turn had a troubled childhood and has a special grand prize at the end for one of the kids. Also along the tour are Wonka's staff the singing, working Oommpa Loompas.
Because of the kids expect do not obey the rule that Willy Wonka said so, they all get the punishment and of course out of the prize. Finally, the winner was Charlie.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who Wins?

Let me ask.

Majority wins or minority wins?

CASE STUDY 1: A criminal is accused of murdering a young lady. Two neighbors saw the incident and they are called upon to be the witnesses. In the court, during the hearing, ...

Criminal: Sir, I would like to ask. Majority wins or minority wins?
Prosecutor: Majority wins, of course.
Criminal: Well, you have two people witnessed the incident. But there are thousands of people who did not see me murdering.

CASE STUDY 2: Ron was traveling on road with his brother. Suddenly, Ron saw a cow crossing the road and he shouted at his brother, "COWWWW!!!!". His brother braked the pedal at once, while Ron pulled up the hand break. Unfortunately, it was too late. The car behind of theirs banged into Ron's car. So was it Ron's fault or the driver behind?

I would say it was the driver behind. This is because the driver behind must be driving really close to Ron's car or else, he won't crashed into Ron's car. =P

Were you thinking that it was the cow's fault?
Just imagine having the cow in the court.


Signed off,


Dream works, it is. But not the animation studio.

What is your biggest dream?

A typical, common, simple and direct question. But what say you?

I could still remember the first week of Human Comm class vividly. Sir paired us up to get to know each other and I was assigned to be with Joelah. A very interesting girl with strong determination and confidence. Our conversation involves everything around us from family to friends and to future plans. A few minutes passed and we were called upon to introduce your partner to the whole class. The funny thing was everyone else had a piece of paper of their partners' details except for us. Despite not having Joelah in class anymore, I enjoyed talking to her and am glad to know her. Maybe I should thanks Mr Murali for the golden opportunity. Thanks Sir! ;D

After that, the introduction class continued with getting-to-know-Sir-better. So, Sir asked us to question him rather than self-introduction. Many questions were enquired but there was one which gave me a lot of impact.

What is your biggest dream?

And so, Sir's answer was to own a mansion on the cliff facing the sea. (if I'm not wrong)

Later, I started to wonder what would my answer be. I would be a loser if I find no answers to it. Personally, I think everyone's dream differs and it doesn't matter if it's easy, hard or impossible to be achieved. It's all about satisfying one individual's needs and wants. I seeked for a long time and I finally got one.

And my biggest dream is to travel across the world. Why? Because I want to explore? Because I want to know how does it feel on the other side of the planet? Because I want to know what is good and bad about other places? My dream may sounds common, however it is not easy. I believe the simplest thing can be the hardest thing. It requires commitments, determination and of course the special one to work it together with you.

Eventually, it becomes a habit of mine. I begin asking everyone around me what is their biggest dream. Some just told me they never thought of that. Some fooled around saying want to be like so and so.

One said he wants to be famous and rich. Unfortunately, I was disappointed as our dreams don't click together. Worse, he has no ideas why he wants that. Due to that reason, I feel that two persons are not meant to be together just because their dreams are different. It is silly but I believe one can always changes their own dreams just to satisfy the other halves that they love very much. But I think that is not sincere and truthful anymore.

So what is yours?

Signed off,

Verbal Aggression

People who are verbally aggressive does not mean that use foul words, but instead it means that they use harsh and demeaning words to make you feel useless and worthless. They shout at you and tend to exaggerate small problems, creating conflicts out of things that could have been otherwise solved easily. However, to be honest, when I was younger, I used to practise verbal aggression when things did not go my way. Personally, I feel that there are three main factors that caused me to use verbal aggression.

When I was under stress or anxiety, I tended to be more verbally aggressive. For your information, verbal aggression has been proven to be a type of defense mechanism generally used to deal with excessive anxiety. When I felt that I was under a lot much pressure, I needed to release it in some way or another.This was especially obvious when I was about to go for an examination or desperately needed to complete a task to meet the appointed deadline. When put under these situations, I would most of the time have shouted at others for no reason, making it seem like it was their fault. 'As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons' (Max Ehrmann).

The other factor included hunger. As the saying goes, 'A hungry man is an angry man'. When I was younger, hunger caused me to get irritated hot tempered very quickly. I would take it out on others by either ignoring them when they were trying to talk to me or by saying demeaning and unpleasant things I would have never said in normal situations. 'Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit' (Max Ehrmann).

The third factor was my occasional low self-esteem. When I did not like the fact that someone else did better than me, I would say harsh and demeaning things to him or her, just to make myself feel better. I would constantly pick on the person's weaknesses and vent my frustrations out on them. 'Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 'Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time' (Max Ehrmann).

I have grown. I knew these imperfections were my weak traits, so I have tried my very best to control myself, constantly reminding myself that I must learn to blend with my peers, accept defeat and bask in whatever glory I deserve. 'If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself' (Max Ehrmann).

Today, the poem Desiderata, written by Max Ehrmann in 1920, is my mantra to being a better person, a more tolerant person, a happier person. I'm still working towards it.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Friday, July 3, 2009


This week, my psychology class was about marriage, after Miss Selina gave the lecturer, I really have a great impact on it. Undeniable, love is blind and marriage will make people eye-open. If a marriage is failed, the divorce is not a best method to solve it. It is because spouses have to face a lot of dimension such as emotion. economic, co-parenting, community, etc.. So before getting marriage, it is important to have good marriage partner.

First of all, is Trust. When both partners trust each other implicitly, they are able to go through life with a tremendous amount of confidence and freedom. Secondly is Loyalty and Commitment. Actually, trust is built on a foundation of loyalty and commitment between the two partners. Many people get married with the concept that, "If I don’t like it, I’ll sleep around or get divorced." This is a recipe for disaster in any marriage. Marriage is about total commitment to your partner. Then is Helpfulness. Partners in a good marriage help each other constantly and accelerate their lives that way. Married life can be much easier than single life if both partners work together.

Eventually is about Friendship. Partners in a good marriage are good friends and gather strength and joy from that friendship. Subsequently is Kindness. Partners in a good marriage are kind to one another out of love and friendship. Other than that, patience and understanding also involved.Partners in a good marriage understand and forgive each other for the mistakes that come from being human. Lastly is Acceptance and Support. Partners in a good marriage accept one another and support each other constantly.

If a couple can maintain these qualities within the marriage, then success is much easier. Maintaining those qualities, it turns out, takes quite a bit of discipline. If one or more of these fundamental qualities is missing, then you can say with some certainly that the marriage will fail.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

When friendship over

Most friendships die a natural death: people move, change jobs, accept new responsibilities, or embark on different stages of life. Other friendships, however, end prematurely and abruptly. When a friendship is over and you don't understand why, it can be especially painful and puzzling. Sometimes a friend ends your relationship without telling you why you’ve been dropped. Sometimes a friend ends your relationship without expressing hurt feelings towards you.

The loss of friendship might be worth reflecting on. Knowing when a friendship is over and why it ended may help you build stronger friendships in the future. However, you can actually review your relationship, with this method, you can actually observed something and to advoid it and improve your relationship with other. or if you want to hold back, reestablishing and start again the relationship, you might write a letter to your friend. Express your feelings about the friendship. Do you miss seeing them? Do you have any regrets? Would you act differently if you were still friends? Tell your friend how you feel, be vulnerable, without accusing or complaining. Make it a positive, honest communication. When a friendship is over, you have nothing to lose.

Again, resolve those problem to make your existing friendships better. It is really important to having friend in every stages - in school, working, and later age.


NOOOOOO Prison Break its finally over! Well thats sort of contradicting but i mean it. Its sad that its over because it was a good action packed show. Alot of interesting things. its good that its over as it would have become a drag if they would have continued, such as Smallville. So now you know why i contradicted myself.

If you didnt watch the show, well then, i'm sorry. you wont really know what in the world i am talking about. Anyway, this in the first season Micheal scofield breaks his brother out of prison. In the second season they run run run from everyone n go to panama. In the third season it is mainly based in Panama where they are in a prison. In the final forth season they look for scylla in order to bring dowm The Company which is the cause for the whole mess.

In the last episode of the final season they manage to bring down the company, and most of the survivors live happily ever after excapt for Micheal Scofield. He finally dies of a brain tumor or something and all the bad guys get what they deserve. Best ending i have seen for a TV series! Usually they will just continue and continue and continue until the whole series loses its value.

I was rather happy that the main actor finally dies. It makes it more realistic and its not common to not see a main actor have a happy ending. So yeah, its a good show and you should watch it!


Family Communication

Family communication does not involve only both husband and wife but must also involve communication between them and their children. It is safe to say that the lack of communication between family members could be the reason why teenagers are commonly misunderstood by their parents. In this post, I am going to be judging from a college student's point of view. Just ask yourself these simple questions. How often do you actually interact with your family? What do you communicate about? Do you actually listen to another family member when he or she is speaking? Remember, hearing and listening are two different things. To communicate effectively with our families, I believe that we need to follow three simple steps.

Firstly, we have to make an effort to make time for our families. As a college student, we are constantly overwhelmed by homework and assignments. With this, we usually spend most of our time in front of the computer or laptop, isolated from our families. Furthermore, when we are not busy catching up with our work or completing our projects, we, being typical teenagers, prefer to hang out with our peers rather than spend the day with our families. Though I am not saying that it is wrong to go out with our friends, but there should be a balance between the time spent with peers and with our family. Even having a simple meal together could enhance the relationship between family members.

Secondly, what we talk about to our families is also a factor we should consider. When speaking to parents, teenagers often avoid sensitive subjects such as sexual intercourse. We teenagers are often embarrassed to speak up to find answers to related questions or too embarrassed to share our point of view, afraid that it might affect the way our parents treat us. However, having discussions about this could actually reduce the tendency of teenagers having unprotected sexual intercourse or unwanted pregnancies. Teenagers who are aware of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are more likely to engage in protected sexual intercourse than those who are unaware of the potential risks of STDs.

Thirdly, we must make and effort to listen to our family members no matter how uninterested we are. As teenagers, we tend to think that we are high and mighty; that the rest do not matter. We should change that. We teenagers should open up and listen to our parents, our siblings. Listen to what they have to express and say. Why do they always say that parents are the ones who misunderstand their teenage children, but is never teenagers misunderstand their parents?

Therefore, not only teenagers, but also every other family member needs to make time to spend with family, talk to them and listen to what they have to say. Effective interaction between our family requires great effort but it all comes down to the bond we have with our families. Don't spend the rest of your life bickering with them; treasure every moment spent with them, let them know you love them, never take them for granted. One day we might just wake up only to find that we never had the chance to tell them that they were the best thing that has ever happened to us. 'Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted' (Paul Pearshall).

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Are you the type of person that tends to trust alot in people? Or are you the type of person that finds very hard to trust in people? Is this because of your own personal experiences perhahps? Honestly, i dont really tend to trust people with what they say or do, but i never really thought of how basic trust can stab you in the back real seriously. Where is the respect for privasi??

When trust is betrayed it can really cause you to loose your head. I'm sure that somebody you trusted has let you down before. There are many ways for this to happen. What happened to me is that i went to a camp with alot of people that i thought were my friends. Sadly as it seems one of them might not be a friend though. Although i have no proof that it really did happen it seems very likely that it did. While taking a shower i left my phone in my bag 'trusting' that no one will touch it. And i thought no one did.

A few days later after camp, i got a phone call from a friend. Apparently some one had checked my phone massages while i was in the shower in the camp, told someone else who then confronted my friend. Long line of communication i know, but what i heard seemed extremely likely to have the possibility of being true. One problem for me is that i cant varify the story with the person who allagedly checked my phone. This is because i had to promise not to because alot of factors were involved. But the time will come and if it proves true.....

Moral of this story?? Dont trust people, even those who seem to be your friends. Some trust of course has to exist but just be careful with things that could come back at you from the back.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Traffic Heavy

Just came back from hometown, really tired...Because the traffic was heavy...Traffic heavy almost make me felt tired+bad mood...Last Monday till Friday, at 12.30 p.m, I had to fetched my sister went to British Council ( near KLCC ) and picked her up at 4.45 p.m. I stay at Bandar Utama here, if go to there and go back have to consume at least 1 more hour...because of Jalan Ampang...Last Thursday, my sister asked me to fetched her at 6 p.m, and I leaf home at 5.30 p.m. Do you know how long I went there and came back??? 3++ hours...I really had bad mood on that day. What I observed was almost every driver can considered no tolerance at all...of course, included me, hehe~~ The reason I said so because driver will never allowed other driver jump the queue and one non-verbal message have brought out by the driver - get closer to in front car as close as possible... To me, I also did like that as well, but however, I will allowed the car jump the queue if the drivers "raise" up their hand ( non-verbal too), it was a manner phenomena for me. Thus, if you want to jump the queue, please did so, it often work!

Communication Competence

Today, Carmen, Polly, Xin Yi, Jasneeta and I visited an orphanage, named "Shelter Home" located in Jalan Gasing, Petaling Jaya. This particular one we visited is one of the three branches of Shelter Home, where there are only children who are 12 years old and below. We visited this orphanage as part of our Moral assignment. I brought a few of my childhood books I used to read or them.

When we arrived, we were greeted by the man in charge. However, only one boy, Edwin, greeted us wearing a cheeky smile on his face. At the orphanage, we served the pizza Polly brought for the children and played games with them. For effective communication with the children, we had to think like them and try to feel what they feel to reach out to them.

Through these activities, I realized that communicating with the children required great effort. The fact that there was an age gap really required competence. The way the children spoke was significantly different from the way I usually speak, so I had to lower my level of thinking to reach out to them.

When I was there, I put myself into their shoes and tried to understand them. At the same time, I made a conscious effort to avoid talking about any issues that were sensitive(such as their family). It helped a lot, made me more tolerant of their misbehavior and mischief. Children being children, they were happy to sit around and watch television or play with their toys. I believe at this age, they are not yet aware of the gravity of the situation they are currently in.

As Edwin, who was only 11 years old, was the only boy who reached out to me, I spent the most time with him. He was chatty and talked about the late Michael Jackson and told me that he worshiped Arnold Schwarzaneger! This clearly shows that we must have communication competence to able to form a rapport with people. He was an endearing little child.

What they would not give to have a family. Looking at these children, regardless how naughty or rebellious, I wondered to myself, how could their parents abandon them? Their lives are so delicate. They need to be loved. No matter how many visitors come to show their sympathy, it would never come anywhere close to a family's love.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Saturday, June 27, 2009

What Really Is In An Advertisement?

On Friday (26 June, 2009), Daniel, Damian, Jane and I went for the Leo Burnett + Arc Cannes Predictions 2009 Event at Sunway Lagoon Surf Beach. During the event, they aired a compilation of 51 advertisements from around the globe and we as participants were required to vote for 20 potential award winning advertisements. The video above was my favorite advertisement among the 51.

What is the purpose of advertisements? In my opinion, I would say that it is a tool used to persuade the public to buy or use a certain product or service. Advertisements fall under the category of mass communication, where messages are conveyed via printed or electronic media to the public. Having said this, there are also advertisements that "communicate" with the public differently, such as imparting knowledge or creating awareness.

After watching the "Cannes Prediction Reel", beside persuading the public, most of the advertisements had an underlying message. A good example would be this video which was also one of the advertisements shown during the event. Besides promoting their service, the company also hopes to create awareness amongst the public regarding the importance of family and that life is fragile. This advertisement touches the heart and is a wake up call to all of us to appreciate our loved ones.

Another example of advertisements that create awareness instead of promoting products is the "You Can Make A Difference" advertisement produced by the Malaysian government. This advertisement recreates real life accidents to alert the public about the importance of driving safely.

You could also gain knowledge just by watching advertisements. Take a classic shampoo advertisement for example. Other than just being promised soft and silky hair, most shampoo advertisements offer some information on its ingredients, educating us to some small extent.

The next time you watch and advertisement, see what emotions it evokes in you - you may feel more than they intended, and that indeed is a successful advertisement.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Possibilities in dreams

Don't you just love dreaming?! Scary, happy, sad, funny its all in dreams. I love dreams, cause it lets you enter situations otherwise never possible in real life. For example, i once dreamt that my school was the site of the 'lord of the rings' movie, and we were fighting and running away from orcs (probably symobizing our teachers) until i got caught or killed or something. Cant remember the ending, but it was just plain AWESOME!!

Dreams also show you what might happen in your future if you decide to take a certain action or if something happens. Maybe in a situation of an earthquake or you get married or actually anything. Dreams help show you what could be and what can be. In other words showing you possible options or even solutions. This can someetimes be a great help in real life situations.

Even nightmares are cool! They just give you a rush. You wake up with your heart pumping like a... i'm at a loss of words. It just makes you feel like wow, what was THAT?! But nightmares tend to annoy me sometimes cause after dreaming them i often wanna go back to sleep but, for some reason or other, cant. But it is fun having nightmares sometimes. It also makes you appreciate that whatever you dream isnt going to relly happen (or so you hope).

Some of my favourite dreams is when i'm fighting, although often annoyin because you tend not to be able to move properly in your dream and sometimes even being a bit hazardous, i punched the wall once while i was sleeping. But i generally enjoy my dreams. They let you experience things that would otherwise never be possible.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009


Part of our interpretation of longer arguments included the step of defining all unknown or questionable terms in an argument. This skill is helpful in finding out if the fallacy of Equivocation has been committed. In this fallacy, the meaning of a crucial term is changed in the course of the argument. In the case of Ambiguity, the term in question has only been used once, but can be interpreted in many different ways, only one of which will support the argument. Here is some examples of equivocation.

1)Hot dogs are better than nothing. There's nothing better than steak. So hot dogs are better than steak.

2)An aspirin will make noisy children go away because noisy children are a headache and aspirin makes headaches go away.

3)Everything that runs has feet. The river runs. Therefore the river has feet.

4)Some birds are domesticated. My parrot is domesticated. Therefore, my parrot is some bird!

5)The publication ban in the Paul Bernardo case ought to be lifted. After all, there is a great public interest in the case and the courts always ought to act in the public interest.

6)I ought to do what is right. And I have the right to publish my pacifist opinions concerning the American actions in Afghanistan. Hence, I ought to publish them.

7)We are told that discrimination is morally wrong. But how can that be the case? We praise people all the time for being discriminating -- in their taste for good wine, books and friends, for example. From now on, I'm not going to be inhibited against discriminating against women when they apply for jobs in my department.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Setting your priorities straight

Some people dont know how to set their priorities straight, for them sometimes what is most important may just be last on their list. Apperently according to some people i seem to be that kind of person. Thinking about it i cant really blame them cause it certainly seems to be that way at times. But i dont really agree with them either.

Its true that i tend to take many things less seriously then i perhaps should be, but usually i notice that it wouldn't have made that much of a difference to the end product even if i had taken it more seriously or had started earlier. Of course this depends on the situations. Most of the time i still manage to get my things done and not produce an all to bad end product. However, Sadly this isnt always the case.

I also tend to love going out with my friends and being social, and this is usually more noticeable when it is exam time and i should apparently be studying instead. This seems to be misinterpreted as me being not responsible and not knowing how to manage my time or even saying things such as "you cant be in a relationship". I mean, seriously?! How is that even really related to a relationship?! Who is to say that i won't set my priorities right and have good time management for a relationship?

Well i am posting this post later then i should, so i guess my time management does suck. At least i had my priorities sort of set straight and studied for exams instead of doing this or going online etc. although i still managed to meet my friends and have a good time. Guess i'm rather useless at time management AND setting my priorities straight. Oh well... cheers!!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Facilitating Communication

The following general guidelines included facilitate communication.
1. Have a positive attitude about communication. Defensiveness interferes with communication.
2. Work at improving communication skills. It takes knowledge and work. The communication model and discussion of barriers to communication provide thenecessary knowledge. This increased awareness of the potential for improving communication is the first step to better communication.
3. Include communication as a skill to be evaluated along with all the other skills in each person's job description. Help other people improve their communication skills by helping them understand their communication problems.
4. Make communication goal oriented. Relational goals come first and pave the way forother goals. When the sender and receiver have a good relationship, they are much more likely to accomplish their communication goals.
5. Approach communication as a creative process rather than simply part of the chore of working with people. Experiment with communication alternatives. What works withone person may not work well with another person. Vary channels, listening techniques,and feedback techniques.
6. Accept the reality of miscommunication. The best communicators fail to have perfect communication. They accept miscommunication and work to minimize its negativeimpacts.

Are We Malaysians Rude?

I just got this e-mail today that talks about the significant differences in British English and Malaysian English. Here's a few examples:

When Asking Someone To Make Way
Britons: Excuse me, I would like to get by. Would you please make way?
Malaysians: S-kew me.

When Asking For Permission
Britons: Excuse me, but do you think it would be possible for me to enter through this door?
Malaysians: *points at door* Can ah?

When Doubting Someone
Britons: I don't recall you giving me the money.
Malaysians: Where got?

In Disagreeing On A Topic Of Discussion
Britons: Err, Tom. I have to stop you there. I understand where you're coming from, but I really have to disagree with what you said about the issue.
Malaysians: You mad ah?

When Someone Did Something Wrong
Britons: This isn't the way to do it. Here, let me show you.
Malaysians: Like that also don't know how to do!

From the excerpt, you can see that there a significant difference between British English compared to Malaysian's English (also known as "Manglish"). Even though Malaysia is supposedly following the British English, it can be said that we have developed our own way and style of language when we communicate. Therefore, it would not shocking if a British tourist in Malaysia brands us as being "rude".

The Malaysian style of communicating often comes with slangs, such as "la" or "ma" in our sentences. The usage of these slangs have become so common that most of us use it more than we are aware of. I feel that the slang used is useful when trying to emphasize a statement. Sometimes, I feel it is also used to soften an accusation. Take the statement "I thought you took my book, no meh?" for instance. Most Malaysians would use the slang "no meh" to take partial responsibility.

Overall, I personally do not think the slang used by Malaysians indicate that we are rude people if used with the proper tone and pitch. However, I feel that this way of communicating strongly reflects the culture of us Malaysians. Hardly a day goes by when we don't hear Manglish; I'm sure you agree with me, hor?

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Saturday, June 20, 2009

She Loves Me, She Loves Me Not

To all the guys out there, how many times has a girl left you wondering if she's really in to you? It's common to find guys lamenting "Girls are so hard to understand!"

Recently, I came across this forwarded e-mail regarding the 10 ways girls show that they are interested, either verbally or non-verbally. Note that not every girl expresses their liking or love through these ways; remember, every girl is different. This is just a general guideline how guys can tell if a girl is interested in them. Below are the 10 ways stated, together with my elaboration and comments.

1. She always talks about the different varieties of guys.
She will always say that there are many fishes in the sea. Even though this may sound like she's not interested, she's just trying to get your attention by playing "hard to get".

2. She stares at you with a smile on her face.
Note the word "stare", which indicates that she'll keep that smile on their face and look intensely into your eyes, because she is just so happy to see your face. Basically, I would say most girls know that smiles melt a guys heart!

3. She always seems to be talking about how nice you are.
I believe this happens in Western countries more, as I feel most girls here are more shy and less direct. For me, I usually tell a guy I appreciate them indirectly by explaining that I feel bad repeatedly (note repeatedly) whenever he helps me with something.

4. She laughs at all your jokes.
To anyone else, your jokes are so lame they'd kill someone, but to her, you're anything but lame. This is mainly true, for me. No matter how lame or how stupid the guy's joke could be, I'd always laugh. Not because of the joke, but usually because of the look on his face when he presents the joke.

5. She'll ask you who you like, continuously.
Is this true? Maybe when she was young and at preschool or primary school, but for now, I don't think this occurs among college students, mainly because girls know that this sounds very intrusive and may annoy the guy.

6. She talks to your friends a lot.
Talking to a guy's friends is one way she tries to get to know you better, though there are extreme cases where stalking is part of the reason. For example, she'd probably want to find out what you do during your free time, or try her best to dig out information about any girl you have been eying lately.

7. She always flirts with every other guy, except you.
I believe most girls do this to show you "Hey, others here want me too, so if you don't come and get me fast, I'd be taken." Personally I don't think this is feasible because this most probably will hurt you (if you have feelings for her) or it may be a total turn off. At the same time, she would mislead the other guys she was flirting with.

8. She always tries to make you jealous.
Once again, this is to get your attention. In a way, this is to make you realize that you actually feel jealous when she's flirting with others, hoping that when you feel the pain, you'd come to realize that you actually like her too.

9. She begs you to do everything for her. From carrying her books to buying something for her, she tends to get your attention by asking you to do anything and everything for her.

10. She always asks you what to do in a bad situation.
Why you? It's because she trusts you, she needs you, she respects you. She believes that your decisions are perfect, and so she turns to you. Another type of situation is based on my observation on my friends. They like this particular guy, pretend that they are in a "love situation" and lament about this "situation" to the guy they like. However, I don't find this worthy as it may put a guy off as he probably thinks she is interested in someone else.

There you go guys. 10 ways on how to tell if she's in to you. Look carefully and you'll come to realize that hey, in real fact she was always interested in me, it's just that I never knew.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Friday, June 19, 2009


That is true about every human needs a certain distance to define the relationship of other. Through the distance in a conservation, we actually can observed what type of the relationship are. Most dearly loved persons, families, sexual partners, and closer friends that involving touching ,embracing,and kissing will have an intimate space, from 0 to 1 1/2 feet. Human just allow some certain intimate person to permit this distance.

Personal space, from 1 1/2 to 4 feet is the conversation zone that almost are families and closer friends. Interaction here are informal and friendly. If someone join the conversation without invited even some people will beyond this distance, it will lead to the persons who are in the conversation felt uncomfortable. Next is social space, from 4 to 12 feet. This zone involves most group and working relationships. These interactions can be quite friendly, but leans in the direction of formality.

Lastly is about Public space, from 12 feet and beyond. Interpersonal communication is formal. Some communication can occur toward the 12 foot and but as the distance increases, the amount of interpersonal communication diminishes and become a matter of public speaking before and audience.

In some situation, very obvious that human will keep certain distance or will let certain distance toward them. For instance, if the theater have a lot of empty sit, people prefer to sit separate rather than sit next to each other. If a person sit next to you but there are a lot of empty sit, you will fell uncomfortable. In the contrary, if there have full of people, people will sit together they will felt nothing even sit next to a stranger. This is the same situation in lif and public transport like bus, LRT, train and so on.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


It is believed that our eyes can betray us when we tell lies. I have watched a few Hong Kong dramas where in between they mentioned about how the movement of our eyes is able to reveal the truth or lie behind our stories. And I googled it up.

looking up and to the left

Up and to the Left
Means: Visually Constructed Images (Vc)
When you asked someone to imagine a purple buffalo, this would be the direction their eyes moved in while thinking about the question as they "Visually Constructed" a purple buffalo in their mind.

looking up and to the right

Up and to the Right
Means: Visually Remembered Images (Vr)
If you asked someone what colour was their first house was, this would be the direction their eyes moved in while thinking about the question as they "Visually Remembered" the color of their childhood home.

eyes left

To the Left
Means: Auditory Constructed (Ac)
Question someone to try and create the highest sound of the pitch possible in your head, this would be the direction their eyes moved in while thinking about the question as they "Auditorily Constructed" this this sound that they have never heard of.

eyes looking right

To the Right
Means: Auditory Remembered (Ar)
Request someone to remember what their mother's voice sounds like, this would be the direction their eyes moved in while thinking about the question as they "Auditorily Remembered " this sound.

eyes down and to the left

Down and to the Left
Means: Feeling / Kinesthetic (F)
Say you want someone to recall the smell of a campfire, this would be the direction their eyes moved in while thinking about the question as they used recalled a smell, feeling, or taste.

looking down and to the right

Down and To the Right
Means: Internal Dialog (Ai)
This is the direction when they talk to themselves.

Try asking yourself.

  • What did you have for breakfast yesterday?
  • Remember the smell from your mother's cooking?
  • Imagine your best friend singing.
  • What colour was your first school bag?

Signed off,

Do You Even Know You At All?

Week 7 will probably be the busiest week ever since I started Semester 3. From presentation to mid term preparations, I have missed out two blog posts last week. Hence, I have four blog posts to be done this week. However, I am unsure of which topic I should blog about as there is no lessons commence within this week. Worse, sometimes I realised my team mates are not blogging regarding the topic we learnt during the particular week. I thought I might as well come up with my own topic.

Lately, I started to relearn about myself.

That is the worst answer given by anyone.
But I realised that is my answer for now.
"Hello. My name is I Don't Know. I don't know what I want. I don't know everything."

You may be my best friend, parents, pet, toys, diary or even boyfriend, well if I have one. But you may not know or don't want to know that I have decidophobia, which means fear of making decisions. It all started since years ago not until recently I realised how serious it has became.

I could be so indecisive that I do not use the traditional way by flipping a coin. Instead, I created my own style. I will look at the time. If the time at the moment ends with an odd number, it means just do it. If it ends with an even number, it means don't do it.

No promises. No warranty. Not realiable. But it helps me to decide when I'm in a dilemma. From picking what to wear to whether should I say it or not, I will always look at the digital time. From now onwards, I will not, NEVER depend on the time anymore. I must have more confidence in myself to decide which path to take and not just gamble with my life.

Signed off,


It has become a habit to gather with my high school friends at least once every weekend. These are the only times where we cherish the most because these area also the only times we get to catch up with each other. We will talk about everything about oursevels and keep each other updated among ourselves. Recently, friends claimed that when we talk, I tend to hold back about certain issues regarding myself. For example, I would only tell 80% of the story, instread of telling out the whole story.
There are reasons why I refuse to explain everything in a full-length. Firstly, it's because I fear that they might not be interested and secondly, I don't know if it bothers them telling them everything about myself. Last but not least, I'd still prefer to maintain some privacy with me.
But now, I would like to share 10 oh-so-bored Facts you might don't even know about me.
  1. The last three digit in my cell phone number stands for my birthday.
  2. I sucked my left thumb until the age of 8.
  3. I love hot Milo that burns my tongue.
  4. I talk to my grandpa more than my father.
  5. Every morning, I snooze my alarm clock at least once.
  6. Boys scream over goals during a football match, but I scream over hot footballers.
  7. There are 28.9% of fats in my body.
  8. My biggest phobia is Ornithoscelidaphobia, fear of dinosaurs.
  9. Guys who wear nice shoes turn me head over heels.
  10. My favourite childhood toy was Lego.

Does this help in self-disclosure? I hope yes. Guess I must learn not only to take from others, but to give as well.

Signed off,


Persuading someone to buy something

Ever had a salesman come up to you and trying to persuade you to buy something you absolutely don't need, but you end up buying it anyway? Hasn't happened to me before, but how is it possible for them to perusade, to interest you in their products? Its mainly in the form of communication that they apply.

They dress formally to appear clean, legitabe, and professional. When they approach they are extremely friendly to try and win your trust. After the have introduced themself and managed to make you feel somewhat comfortable being around them, they try and find out what interests you and introduce their product. Since they had already managed to create somewhat of a relationship with you, you are more inclined to listen to what they say and since they might have also established some trust towards them, you are more likely to belif what they say.

Some of them have the ability to convince, they are able to convince you that you need their product eventhough you really dont. Although this sort of salesman arent all to common, when they do appear and let them talk, you usually end up with somethin really useless. You should always be skepticle of what they tell you and always look at the negatives more then the positives if you know that you dont really need the product.

Dont buy something from someone unless you are really need it and seems legitable. Even if the sales man is your frind or a seemingly reliable person.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Actually the design of the cars is a kind of non-verbal message. Car design can indicate the owner of the car, for instance the style and character of the car owner. Some people will put the cartoon pictures on the car's layer, it may be meant that the owner still have "child" mentality. The other example is some car will put exaggerate design, this meant the car owner may be wanted attract the attention from other or he/she wanted the car be specific.

Even some car will wrote the name of the car owner themselves. However, some car owner will maintain the original look of the car.Undeniable, design of car really reflect the car owner's mentality. and the thing is......I got a surprised from my parent, thanks daddy and mummy^^

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Impressions and Perceptions Change

They say first impressions are everything; I disagree to a certain extent. I feel that impressions and perceptions change over time, just as the way we communicate with each other. I am stating this through my experience during the Nomad Adventure camp, as explained in my previous post.

On Saturday morning, we had to rise early as breakfast was served at 7.30am and the truck that was taking us to Gua Tempurung for caving was leaving at 8.30am. The ride to the cave was really fun as all of us were standing on an open air truck. When we arrived, to prevent ourselves from being backtracked as there were a lot of visitors, we went into the cave through the back, unlike everyone else. In the cave, it was dark and wet, and we were told to bring torch lights.

In the cave, there were many obstacles which hindered our movement, and at most parts we had to crawl, and even some where we had to do the "commander crawl". However, the most challenging part was where we were required to climb up a steep slope to continue our exploration. The boys, being stronger than girls, went up the slope first. Most of them stationed themselves at parts of the slops, to help the other boys and girls up. At this point, my perception towards the boys completely changed, it was not everyday I saw the leaderships qualities of a person being revealed. I never knew that they had it in them. I could see the teamwork among us, the feeling that nobody would be ever left behind.

On Sunday, we we went to mountain school to rope climb. In this activity, four groups of nine members were required to rope climb. However, as there were only three courses available, our team was the last to start the activity. Our team decided to do the second course first, and it was rope climbing in a cave. Feirdhauz, being our group leader, made sure that he was the last to go, so that he could make sure that everyone would be fine. This action gained my respect towards him, as I never saw him as one with such responsible traits.

After the camp, my perceptions towards most the boys, especially Feirdhauz and Joshua, completely changed. This clearly proves that impressions towards people can be changed. Therefore, if you worry that your first impression has been tarnished, no worries. Be yourself. In time people will eventually see through you, and there will be hope to redeem yourself! (Or fall further into unfavorable and "avoid-at-all-costs" category)

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Friday, June 12, 2009


GPS...Yesterday, my family came to KL to have an "1-day-trip" , because now is the school holiday of primary and secondary schools. Every time they went to the unfamiliar places especially KL, my daddy must use GPS to guide him. But yesterday, maxis and hotlink had occur ed some network problem that lead me difficult to contact to my family.

When I in the car, I realized that my daddy brought 2 GPS and he used both of the GPS on the same time...Oh~~it really confused us...Both GPS spoke at the same time, however, both of the GPS doesn't gave the same instruction although we set both GPS at the same destination. 1st GPS told us to turned left however 2nd GPS told us to turned right~~~~

It was really really confused, we have to interpreted and decided which is the right instruction~~ We have to understand and respond to it immediately, because you know the situation on the road in KL - Busy and Rush city!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


There are many actors in this world, the rich and famous movie stars are some of them. However, i'm not going to be talking about them in this post. I'm gonna talk about how people act in their everyday lives, how we act and the possible reasons for doing this.

One reason for why we act? To conciel what we are actually thinking or feeling. All of us do this. Everyday i believe although it seems alot more difficult at times than at others. It all depends. Some people are really good at this form of acting others not so. Possible reasons for this? Being polite is one, or you just want to act as if nothing is wrong.

Another way we act is by acting to be something we actually arent. For example a person may act as if he/she is a friend but in truth he/she is your enemy only waiting to help bring you to your downfall. Sadly this is a fact and these people do exist only to complicate your life. There are also those, however, that are more harmless, those that act to be something more then they actually are. Although these are more harmless, they are also usually of a negative side. Example, a person pretends to be from a rich background. Reasons for this acting? One is TRUST. Another, to improve their image or get close to a person or group. Also it help to learn about things that they have a motive for.

Others act just for the fun of it. Pretending to be offended, being sad for pity, or just to see what can happen if they act differently towards other people. And this is a fact, people will always behave differently and act differently with different people.

The conclusion of this is that most people spent more time acting to be something else and for different porposes then they spent time being thamselves.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Time Changes Everything

It's funny how just spending three days two nights with others could change your perception and relationship towards them. It's even funnier how just going camping with others could tighten your bond with others more than you could ever never imagine. It was after the Nomad Adventure leadership camp in Gopeng, Perak when I noticed how spending time with others can significantly change how we communicate. This leadership camp was organized by Help Matriculation Center (HMC) on the 5th June 2009(Friday) to 7th June 2009(Sunday).

At the campsite, known as Earth Camp, we were allocated our dorms and we settled in. We arrived the camp at about 5.30pm on Friday, and were given instructions to meet outside in an open area at about 6.20pm. At that gathering, our facilitator, Nisha, gave us a briefing on the activities and rules about the camp. Later, we had dinner.

After dinner, Nisha told us to get into groups of nine, choose a group leader and give ourselves a team name. My team consisted of Feirdhauz, Katrin, Pheoric, Bryan, Xin Yi, Jasneeta, Htu Htu, Pei Wun and I. We chose Feirdhauz as our leader, and called ourselves the "Rubber Slippers". Before forming this team, I barely knew any of them, except for Xin Yi, but after working as a team through out the camp activities, the friendship we have built is steadfastly strong. After a few short activities and dinner, we were dismissed and we had the whole night to ourselves.

That night, after taking a shower, many of us gathered around Xin Yi and my bed to chat the night away. It all started with only Xin Yi and I sitting on our beds, then joined by a whole group of people. This group of people were people I do not often mingle with in college, but after that night of bonding, everything has changed. Now that we are back in college, we see each other in a different light, and we acknowledge each other whenever we meet; sharing a new found friendship. It's an incredible feeling.

Through this camp, I have come to realize that just by spending a little bit more time with another person, a bond grows whether you want it to or not. If this was one of this camp's objective, it was a roaring success. Building friendships, like many other things, take time, as it is famously said" Rome was not built in one day". We must learn patience, tolerance and compromise to build bonds and friends so that our lives may be richer and less lonely.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Husband and Wife

I've noticed this for a while, with my parents and other couples. Yesterday i was talking to my parents and this topic came up and it was really interesting as we sat there for quite a while laughing about this. what were we talking about? How couples go out, come home, and basically how they behave towards each other.

Have you ever noticed when a couple or family goes shopping and the wife buys and looks at everything and the husband just waits outside till they or she is done? The main difference between a man shopping and a woman shopping is that the man just takes what he needs and gets out from there as fast as possible, the woman however will stand and look at everything and buy more things then she came for. this is the main difference i've noticed. My parents are like that, and it doesnt seem very uncommon. Once we went shopping and we saw this family, father, nother and children. i think it was at the 'reject shop' in ampang park, the mother and children went in and looked at everything, the poor father stood to the side and checked if he had enough money in the wallet. Sometimes i wonder how much the poor husband has to go through when it is shopping time.

Whats even funnier is when you meet someone in a restorant or mamak having a drink alone, ask them what they are doing, they reply "here i have my peace for a while.. as soon as i go home my wife will be nagging at me non stop, so i rather be here alone and enjoy". Although sad i've heard of many people who go through this and do this. Some husbands are so afraid of their wifes that they pretend not to see them when they pass by. One of my dad's friends is a good example; his wife was just driving home past them not all too far away, so my dad said "hey, thats your wife" and his friend turns to the other side and pretends not to see her.

It seems to me that couples have to put up quite alot in their lives with thier partners, and this goes both ways. moral of this? not sure. Perhaops dont get married? Not exactly, but perhaps to learn to give the your other half the space he/she needs and to be considerate of the other person as well. Hope my married life in the future wont be as complicated.

Its really funny to observe these kind of things. If you get the chance try it out!!

Sunday, June 7, 2009

NON-VERBAL LANGUAGE: What Would Your First Word For Me Be? Part 2

And this creates a sequel to this story. *click*

Sometimes when I least expect to see him, I would get the chance. I remembered that I triple-checked as I couldn't believe my eyes that he came back. I pretended that I didn't realize his existence however he spotted me. He turned and nodded as a greeting or gesture. I replied with a nod but was too genuinely nervous that I forgot to smile. When I reached home, he asked if I saw him smiling because he thought I ignored him. I explained I saw but not that smile he gave me and I nodded to his gesture, too. I was startled that a single nod can create so many misunderstandings.

The second time occurred when I was rushing into a room to get a seat. Suddenly I heard a knock on the see-through glass next to me. I turned and there he was. He smiled and waved hi. I mouthed hi and waved back. Because we were blocked by the see-through glass, all we could do was to communicate through hand signals. Then, I asked using my hands why he was there. He told me he needed to settle somethings. Nevertheless, we both felt it was difficult to carry on the conversation and continued with our own tasks. Cliche but so true. We were so close, yet so far.

Despite meeting him for countless times. I never know how does his voice sound like. Not even when he's speaking to others as he passes me because he speaks so softly. Yes, he says hi everytime he sees me. But I'm unsure if he just mouthed the word or the crowd roars overcome his tiny voice. Due to time constraint, I doubt if I would ever get to have a face-to-face conversation with him. I no longer want to figure out his non-verbal language puzzle anymore.

Don't be cold towards me. T_T

Signed off,

NON-VERBAL LANGUAGE: What Would Your First Word For Me Be? Part 1

Sam and I was wandering aimlessly along the corridor. I never like a new beginning because I have to get used to it all over again. Sometimes I'm very tired and scared of this cycle. We were both talking and suddenly I spotted him. We both exchanged stares. Three seconds. I turned away.

That was how it all began. Those stares keep me looking forward to start another day. It has slowly became a rhythm where I would definitely bump into him on Thursdays. Eventually, we recognized each other by stares, attires and actions but not voices. For 14 weeks, there weren't even greetings or gestures from neither one of us. No introductions but those three-second-stares. No smiles but those three-second-stares which held a lot of hidden meanings.

Every Thursday night, I would try to figure out what did those stares from him would have meant? I guess it would either be "interested" or "not interested" in me. But I think the answer will probably be not interested. I didn't know a thing about him, not even his name. By height, he's tall. By size, he has a leaned body. By dressing, he could afford international brands. By actions, he's modest, laid back, shy, quiet and down-to-earth. By looks, I believe he has a great personality.

In the end, I gathered my courage just to add him on Facebook. I was too simple-minded but friends thought we were progressing sell and it marked a good starting point. On Facebook, we exchanged interests and the likes but have nothing in common. Opposite attracts, eh? All these short messages summed up to 59 of them in less than a month. Unfortunately, he ended it all because my last message ended with "take care". He must has assumed I would never want or need his replies anymore. Sometimes there are things which could hardly be explained in words. I tried my very best to insert as many smileys and emoticons to make me sound friendly and cheerful. Even his messages do not contain a single smiley, I know that doesn't mean he is not happy. Maybe not happy, at least neutral.

Please feed me with your messages. =(

Signed off,

Friday, June 5, 2009

Yesterday, when I was in college, My younger sister sent me a message and the content was: "Tomorrow daddy will go to Malacca Pantai Hospital to proceed operation". I really taken aback and shocked on this message. Immediately, without thinking other thing, my first reaction was give a call to my dad, I am really confused on that time, because I don't know my dad suffered from any illness ( my dad healthy is consider normal ). MY dad told me that he was felt sickness and uncomfortable last night and he said kept vomit for whole night until he can't endured and went to see the doctor. And doctor verified that my dad suffered from "Gall bladder".

Again, my mum told me don't have to worried about my dad ( I know she scared me get distraction from this of my study). However, I know it is not a serious case, but I felt like something is burning in my heart and I felt very pain...really...The operation is progress today. I woke up at 7 a.m and straightforward called my mum to know whether they are in the journey to the hospital or not. I asked my mum to passed over the phone to dad, I asked about dad's felling and he afraid or not? This is the first time to my dad having an operation. And dad answered me :" It is ok to me." ( Doubt...because his sound was smooth and voice was low). A simple answer. The operation began at 12.42 p.m and last to 3.54 p.m. My younger sister told me all the timer and she also sent me a picture before dad send to operating theatre.

Is this the picture show that :" It is ok to me"?? I don't think so. From my dad facial express, posture and gesture, I can felt whatever dad told me just to hidden some emotion to me. The early message that younger sister sent to me is an insufficiency message. She don't make clarify what actually happened to dad, she make me get into tension so much. After the operation, younger sister gave me a call and told me that, inside dad's eyes got tear, I know how much the painful suffered to my dad. Doctor only injected 4 narcotic injection to narcosis the area of body part that have to be progress. I think the narcoticness is not enough to covered the pain...I felt very sorry to dad cause I can beside him...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

embarrassing accidents

I'm pretty sure that all of us have had their embarrassing moment before, like spilling a drink, walking into a post or wall, or perhaps slipping on a banana skin. Although these accidents can be very embarrassing and even painful to the unfortunate victim, people around tend to find it rather funny. This might be mean but as we say "one mans joy is another mans poison".

For instance, a couple of friends were walking back from pavillion when a member of a group of boys hit his head on a sign post. Looked pretty painful. What really made me and my friends laugh though was that this elderly white lady just started laughing out laud at him! Was more funny than the poor guy hitting his head on the sign post which everyone was laghing about anyway.

Another incident involved me. I went to McD with my family, and after ordering i helped my dad carry a tray with four drinks, a burger, and tomato sauce. I just had this feeling that that was a bad idea. How right i was. We had to go down some stairs and on the last or second last step i slipped. Somehow, you have to give me some credit for this, i managed to safe the burger, tissues, tomato sauce, and two drinks, and myself without spilling anything on me. Sadly not entirelly perfect. The other two drinks went crashing to the ground. The people started giggling and i joined them.

As i said before, "one mans joy, another mans poison".

cheers and goodnight for now!!