Friday, June 19, 2009


That is true about every human needs a certain distance to define the relationship of other. Through the distance in a conservation, we actually can observed what type of the relationship are. Most dearly loved persons, families, sexual partners, and closer friends that involving touching ,embracing,and kissing will have an intimate space, from 0 to 1 1/2 feet. Human just allow some certain intimate person to permit this distance.

Personal space, from 1 1/2 to 4 feet is the conversation zone that almost are families and closer friends. Interaction here are informal and friendly. If someone join the conversation without invited even some people will beyond this distance, it will lead to the persons who are in the conversation felt uncomfortable. Next is social space, from 4 to 12 feet. This zone involves most group and working relationships. These interactions can be quite friendly, but leans in the direction of formality.

Lastly is about Public space, from 12 feet and beyond. Interpersonal communication is formal. Some communication can occur toward the 12 foot and but as the distance increases, the amount of interpersonal communication diminishes and become a matter of public speaking before and audience.

In some situation, very obvious that human will keep certain distance or will let certain distance toward them. For instance, if the theater have a lot of empty sit, people prefer to sit separate rather than sit next to each other. If a person sit next to you but there are a lot of empty sit, you will fell uncomfortable. In the contrary, if there have full of people, people will sit together they will felt nothing even sit next to a stranger. This is the same situation in lif and public transport like bus, LRT, train and so on.

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