Friday, June 12, 2009


GPS...Yesterday, my family came to KL to have an "1-day-trip" , because now is the school holiday of primary and secondary schools. Every time they went to the unfamiliar places especially KL, my daddy must use GPS to guide him. But yesterday, maxis and hotlink had occur ed some network problem that lead me difficult to contact to my family.

When I in the car, I realized that my daddy brought 2 GPS and he used both of the GPS on the same time...Oh~~it really confused us...Both GPS spoke at the same time, however, both of the GPS doesn't gave the same instruction although we set both GPS at the same destination. 1st GPS told us to turned left however 2nd GPS told us to turned right~~~~

It was really really confused, we have to interpreted and decided which is the right instruction~~ We have to understand and respond to it immediately, because you know the situation on the road in KL - Busy and Rush city!

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