Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Husband and Wife

I've noticed this for a while, with my parents and other couples. Yesterday i was talking to my parents and this topic came up and it was really interesting as we sat there for quite a while laughing about this. what were we talking about? How couples go out, come home, and basically how they behave towards each other.

Have you ever noticed when a couple or family goes shopping and the wife buys and looks at everything and the husband just waits outside till they or she is done? The main difference between a man shopping and a woman shopping is that the man just takes what he needs and gets out from there as fast as possible, the woman however will stand and look at everything and buy more things then she came for. this is the main difference i've noticed. My parents are like that, and it doesnt seem very uncommon. Once we went shopping and we saw this family, father, nother and children. i think it was at the 'reject shop' in ampang park, the mother and children went in and looked at everything, the poor father stood to the side and checked if he had enough money in the wallet. Sometimes i wonder how much the poor husband has to go through when it is shopping time.

Whats even funnier is when you meet someone in a restorant or mamak having a drink alone, ask them what they are doing, they reply "here i have my peace for a while.. as soon as i go home my wife will be nagging at me non stop, so i rather be here alone and enjoy". Although sad i've heard of many people who go through this and do this. Some husbands are so afraid of their wifes that they pretend not to see them when they pass by. One of my dad's friends is a good example; his wife was just driving home past them not all too far away, so my dad said "hey, thats your wife" and his friend turns to the other side and pretends not to see her.

It seems to me that couples have to put up quite alot in their lives with thier partners, and this goes both ways. moral of this? not sure. Perhaops dont get married? Not exactly, but perhaps to learn to give the your other half the space he/she needs and to be considerate of the other person as well. Hope my married life in the future wont be as complicated.

Its really funny to observe these kind of things. If you get the chance try it out!!

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