Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Night Market

Last night, I went to night market and I observed that in night market have several type of communication between seller and buyer. Let's talk about seller first. Nowadays, seller no only just use their mouth shout out their products to customers, however, they even used media to promote they products, for instance, radio ( recorded the speaker talked about and played it ), video ( demonstrated the process of using the product ), mic ( used mic to enlarge their volume ), the reason for these media have been used is to draw customers attention. The technique and the style choose to communicate will absolutely effect the customer wheater come forward to seller or not. Some seller was aggressive but some was passive. Passive seller just sat there and wait customer come forward to them.

For us as the customers, we have freedom to choose and purchase any things that we want to be. Usually, I will patronized the booth which the seller look friendly but not aggressive felt like pushing you buy their things and even attractive. If the seller is show something different from other, curious customers will come forward to them. And yes, sometimes we have to bargain with seller, seller have to pay attending, understand and response to us. Of course it is good if you purchase the thing with reasonable price. Generally, we will patronize the stall again and even introduce to our friends and family. Once a while, you can observe that when the bargain will occur non-verbal form of communication. Buyer just gesture their price with hand, nod head (deal) and shake head ( not satisfy).

In night market you can see that several languages are used. Some female seller can act like male seller, the way she spoke ( power language ) and body movement are similar. In night market, all sorts of communication you can seen. So, if you are free, just go to night market and experience it!

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