Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Are you the type of person that tends to trust alot in people? Or are you the type of person that finds very hard to trust in people? Is this because of your own personal experiences perhahps? Honestly, i dont really tend to trust people with what they say or do, but i never really thought of how basic trust can stab you in the back real seriously. Where is the respect for privasi??

When trust is betrayed it can really cause you to loose your head. I'm sure that somebody you trusted has let you down before. There are many ways for this to happen. What happened to me is that i went to a camp with alot of people that i thought were my friends. Sadly as it seems one of them might not be a friend though. Although i have no proof that it really did happen it seems very likely that it did. While taking a shower i left my phone in my bag 'trusting' that no one will touch it. And i thought no one did.

A few days later after camp, i got a phone call from a friend. Apparently some one had checked my phone massages while i was in the shower in the camp, told someone else who then confronted my friend. Long line of communication i know, but what i heard seemed extremely likely to have the possibility of being true. One problem for me is that i cant varify the story with the person who allagedly checked my phone. This is because i had to promise not to because alot of factors were involved. But the time will come and if it proves true.....

Moral of this story?? Dont trust people, even those who seem to be your friends. Some trust of course has to exist but just be careful with things that could come back at you from the back.

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