Wednesday, June 3, 2009

embarrassing accidents

I'm pretty sure that all of us have had their embarrassing moment before, like spilling a drink, walking into a post or wall, or perhaps slipping on a banana skin. Although these accidents can be very embarrassing and even painful to the unfortunate victim, people around tend to find it rather funny. This might be mean but as we say "one mans joy is another mans poison".

For instance, a couple of friends were walking back from pavillion when a member of a group of boys hit his head on a sign post. Looked pretty painful. What really made me and my friends laugh though was that this elderly white lady just started laughing out laud at him! Was more funny than the poor guy hitting his head on the sign post which everyone was laghing about anyway.

Another incident involved me. I went to McD with my family, and after ordering i helped my dad carry a tray with four drinks, a burger, and tomato sauce. I just had this feeling that that was a bad idea. How right i was. We had to go down some stairs and on the last or second last step i slipped. Somehow, you have to give me some credit for this, i managed to safe the burger, tissues, tomato sauce, and two drinks, and myself without spilling anything on me. Sadly not entirelly perfect. The other two drinks went crashing to the ground. The people started giggling and i joined them.

As i said before, "one mans joy, another mans poison".

cheers and goodnight for now!!

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