Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Persuading someone to buy something

Ever had a salesman come up to you and trying to persuade you to buy something you absolutely don't need, but you end up buying it anyway? Hasn't happened to me before, but how is it possible for them to perusade, to interest you in their products? Its mainly in the form of communication that they apply.

They dress formally to appear clean, legitabe, and professional. When they approach they are extremely friendly to try and win your trust. After the have introduced themself and managed to make you feel somewhat comfortable being around them, they try and find out what interests you and introduce their product. Since they had already managed to create somewhat of a relationship with you, you are more inclined to listen to what they say and since they might have also established some trust towards them, you are more likely to belif what they say.

Some of them have the ability to convince, they are able to convince you that you need their product eventhough you really dont. Although this sort of salesman arent all to common, when they do appear and let them talk, you usually end up with somethin really useless. You should always be skepticle of what they tell you and always look at the negatives more then the positives if you know that you dont really need the product.

Dont buy something from someone unless you are really need it and seems legitable. Even if the sales man is your frind or a seemingly reliable person.

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