Saturday, July 11, 2009

Patience when working with kids

This is actually a continuation of my last post as this takes place within the home of the children. After we finished our lunch and had introduce ourselves to all of the children and they had done the same, we were to help them with their homework. So since we were ten people and they were about the same number, they got to choose who they want as their tutor. So i got chosen by a 10 or 12 year old chinese boy.

He was a really nice kid that suffered from a caugh however. My task was to help him write a karangan (composition) in BM of 80 words. It was from one of those newspaper exercises where all the points are given. The karangan would have taken me perhaps 10mins to complete, but of caurse he was the one supposed to be doing it. So i tried to let him think most of everything, and his BM wasnt good, plus i had only 2.5hours sleep the night before, so my BM side of my brain wasnt workin well either. Not that my BM is good tho.

This is how it worked, he said his point of how he wanted to write it, then i corrected it as far as possible and then i had to translate and help him to write it out (not actually write but how to spell and things like that). Other children started helping me out and got rather impatient with him, somehow i was the most patient guy at that time. haha. Guess i can be really patient, alot of people tell me that but i dont really believe them, but this time i admit, i was really patient. Maybe cause i didnt sleep much and i was working rather slow myself, never know.

Anyhow, it took us an hour or more to finish the karangan!

After that we decided to go back. He asked me if we were planning to come back every weekend. I didnt know how to answer, I wasnt planning to come back actually, it just didnt seem to be my thing but that we actually meant so much to them touched my heart.

I really hope there are less people like me and more people who are willing to really help these children. It tought me alot though and i hope all goes well for these children.

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