Saturday, July 11, 2009

visit to a home for underprivaledged children

This Trip took place last weekend, on sunday. It was a moral studies project that required us to go and visit a home either for old folks, orphans etc. and write a report, conduct an interview and help out. We went to home that was established by a church and was for children with needs that the family was not able to provide, or abused children.

We met up in the morning and went to the home at about 10.30 or 11. Upon reachin there we saw the children that were singing songs and then went straight for an interview that we had planned with the person incharge. This went relatively well except that our human communication skills were not really in used except for 2 people who were asking the question. We had to answer some ourselves though as well, and most of us were rather shy. After a while we got more comfortable, but as our turn to ask questions had finished with the last question being something like this "do you think that religion and faith affects a persons morality?". I thik this question triggered something in her as she started to go on about religion and faith. In the process she managed to contradict herself at least three times about heaven and hell. Honestly, people who dont really know the facts or dont know how to express what they think or know, should stick to their personal testimonies and not talk about the religion itself and what should be believed.

Well, anyhow, after that was done we went on to helping around the house, i took over washing the car and cutting the grass. Here i managed to get to know and interact a bit with some of the children. I also got to find out that some of them were scared of frogs as i managed to catch 3 and showed them to the children. After all this was done we had lunch but not with the children yet. Later on we got to introduce ourselves to them and they to us. Was fun and we were as shy as the children themselves i think.......

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