Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who Wins?

Let me ask.

Majority wins or minority wins?

CASE STUDY 1: A criminal is accused of murdering a young lady. Two neighbors saw the incident and they are called upon to be the witnesses. In the court, during the hearing, ...

Criminal: Sir, I would like to ask. Majority wins or minority wins?
Prosecutor: Majority wins, of course.
Criminal: Well, you have two people witnessed the incident. But there are thousands of people who did not see me murdering.

CASE STUDY 2: Ron was traveling on road with his brother. Suddenly, Ron saw a cow crossing the road and he shouted at his brother, "COWWWW!!!!". His brother braked the pedal at once, while Ron pulled up the hand break. Unfortunately, it was too late. The car behind of theirs banged into Ron's car. So was it Ron's fault or the driver behind?

I would say it was the driver behind. This is because the driver behind must be driving really close to Ron's car or else, he won't crashed into Ron's car. =P

Were you thinking that it was the cow's fault?
Just imagine having the cow in the court.


Signed off,

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