Thursday, July 2, 2009


NOOOOOO Prison Break its finally over! Well thats sort of contradicting but i mean it. Its sad that its over because it was a good action packed show. Alot of interesting things. its good that its over as it would have become a drag if they would have continued, such as Smallville. So now you know why i contradicted myself.

If you didnt watch the show, well then, i'm sorry. you wont really know what in the world i am talking about. Anyway, this in the first season Micheal scofield breaks his brother out of prison. In the second season they run run run from everyone n go to panama. In the third season it is mainly based in Panama where they are in a prison. In the final forth season they look for scylla in order to bring dowm The Company which is the cause for the whole mess.

In the last episode of the final season they manage to bring down the company, and most of the survivors live happily ever after excapt for Micheal Scofield. He finally dies of a brain tumor or something and all the bad guys get what they deserve. Best ending i have seen for a TV series! Usually they will just continue and continue and continue until the whole series loses its value.

I was rather happy that the main actor finally dies. It makes it more realistic and its not common to not see a main actor have a happy ending. So yeah, its a good show and you should watch it!


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