Sunday, May 17, 2009

PERCEPTIONS: What You See is What You Get.

Recently, I have read a few articles regarding perceptions and would like to share it here.

These are statements the people who said them are convinced they're true.

Top 3 All-Time Stupid Quotes.

#3. The earth is the center of the universe.
Ptolemy, The Great Egyptian Astronomer, in the Second Century.

#2. Nothing of importance happened today.
Written by King George III on 4 July 1776. (American Independence Day).

#1. Everything that can be invented has been invented.
Charles H. Duell, US Commissioner of Patents, in 1899.

The following anecdote is adapted from Reader's Digest contributed by Dan P. Greyling is a good example of perception shift.

A friend of mine, returning to South Africa from a long stay in Europe, found herself with some time to spare at Heathrow Airport. She bought herself a cup of coffee and a small packet of biscuits. She was reading at her morning paper when she became aware a man was helping himself to her biscuits. She did not want to make a drama, so she leaned across and took one biscuit herself. By the time they were down to the last biscuit in the packet, she was very angry but still could not bring herself to say naything Then the young man broke the last biscuit into two, pushed half across to her, ate the other half and left. Some time later, she opened her handbag and was confronted by her packet of biscuits. She had been eating his.

The past two weeks have been the longest weeks for me, juggling with the new timetable. Many people may have not known how I felt and underwent everything from misconceptions and misunderstandings. There are many things that are needed to be taken into considerations when I plan my new college timetable. People around were giving me a very hard time. Anyway, if that is what they want to think of me, be it. What matters most is I am determined with what I need and want.

We should not be quick to judge, label or form rigid opinions of others, or ourselves.

Signed off,

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