Friday, May 29, 2009

"Human" Communication??

Now, I just came back to my home which is in Segamat, Johor. Actually, I arrived my hometown by coach around 9.15p.m, after my parents picked me up, they straight away bring me to a place - a strange place that I never been there before. Honestly, I don't know how to name that place, that place is full of statue of god which is almost look alike a temple, but, it is not for believer to pray however, inside the temple have a leading character, a person who can exchange the role to become 'someone' else who is not exist in this real world. Get it?? In fact, this is a part of Chinese belief.This picture was took when the main character (MC) has been turned into other character. The believer called him God of third prince.MC was shaking his whole body until he success to let the third prince replace himself. Third price started conversation with the believer.

SEE!!! He was sucking the baby bottle which is contain milk. He continued told us what he wanted and we have to appease him whatever he said. Blindly obedience.He want candy, bananas and apple in a large amount.

The guy who was wearing the black clothes actually was a translator. I don't think so that the believers understand the way he spoke, for me, I 100% don't get what he was said, sound funny, really! He can't sat in his own chair, however, he run and walked around! And of course, the believers will followed. But then, I realized what was the believers purpose - to get a 4 digits number...LOTTERY!!!

To me, this was the crazy thing, I totally don't believe the third prince, because he really fake at all, his body movement, pronounce ,expression in eyes and face I don't know how to describes. Is this consider as 'human' communication occur in non-exist and exist human???

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