Sunday, May 31, 2009

Learder and follower

Yesterday, I had a great Saturday which was a meaningful day. I have joined an activity from BLIA to celebrated Wesak day. This activity's duration is 30 and 31 may, 2 days. But, I only joined them for one day because tomorrow I have an early class. It's a pity. this activities had been separated into many different group and as usual, every year, started from secondary school, I am under a same group. My duty is invite important person which included VIP, Taoist priest, sponsors up to stage to give their speech and also confer them the gift to thanks them before begin the ceremony.

My group have 6 persons, 4 female and 2 male. We have to gather at noon to comprehend our duty and also prepared well the gift. After knew each other, we started communicate. It's fun to knowing each other. Of course, every group have a leader to conduct the group members. After the leader had explained everything, they have no question at all, so I thought that every of us understand and know what to do. But when the activity has began, 3 of my group members doesn't clear what their duty, thus, everything goes wrong... some invited wrong person, some do not invited. And when we confer the give, some have get the gift and some do not. Terrible...

Of course, the leader get angry and condemned us...hai~~At that time, I realized that the important of efficiency communication and also listener's attitude, leader have to know that everyone of us have different comprehension about what he/she said. Eventually, listener have to ask question if they do not understand and do not pseudo, pretend know. I wish that they will do well in this night. And also hope they will not repeat the same mistake again.

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