Friday, May 22, 2009

Different characters different communication

Not only women 's conversations are focus more frequently on feelings, relationships, personal problems and satisfaction but sometimes it will also appear these phenomena to men too. Why I have this opinion, cause I am an outstation student of course I will keep contact through mobile phone to my family at least 3 times per week and the conversation duration between me and my family can last to 1 more hours each conversation.

A lot of time I felt like fascinated and amused to talk with my mum, dad, sister and also brother, sometimes even talk to my grandpa. Undeniable, although we all have genetic connection, however, each of my family member talk in different style and different thinking. Usually, my younger sister will tell me the things happened in my family,no matter is bad, good and allowed or not. Allowed- when my mum fall into sick, she will warned my sister do not transmitted this circumstance to me, mum worried that I will get distraction in study. She is a talkative person.

Now, divert to my younger brother. He is a person who are not correspond to reality. He often talked the nonsense to me, about his "girlfriend",how many girls he have chased and rejected, and he keep saying that he want to dropout and refused to continue his studying anymore until now. He told me that he better work rather waste mum and dad's money. I am extremely disagreed with him, but my mum agreed with him. Mum said we can't force him if he really want to. My grandpa, keep repeating say the same thing about his corporation, he is more excited and willingness to say more once I agreed and praised to him.

Next character is my dad. My dad's ostensible felt like don't like talk so much, but,in private, when nobody around dad, he will talk to mum non-stop until my mum also don't understand what dad actually said. Although mum didn't understand, however she don't interrupt dad to clarify, it was because mum said :" Your dad seem like don't care what actually he said I can understand, as long as he understand what he talk about." From here i observed that not only women but also men talk to fulfil the satisfaction. My mum?? Every things are related to her.

I Love My Family!

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