Tuesday, May 26, 2009


In college we always have to give presentations, wearing formal clothes and looking presentable. For example, last semester i gave a presentation on how to make a paper lantern and had to wear formal. Personally i found it just a bit weird, maybe cause i'm not used to it, but it gave me a smart and more profesional look and image.

The way we look affects how people percieve us, but our body language and our choice of words and the way we talk has the greatest long term effect i believe. if we choose our words wisely and make the topic we are presenting interesting and lifely you leave a lasting impression. This is very important as otherwise you may bore your students outta their minds. And thats not what you want to achieve.

Like today i had to give a presentation together with another friend of mine. I dont know how i did, but i do know i made some mistakes like we all tend to do when we feel a bit nervous. I stuttered a few times, didnt know where to look, couldn't keep my hands straight (i kept rubbing them together), and reading from the slides. Although i noticed some of the mistakes i was making, i couldnt bring them undercontrol very much.

To improve our presentation styles i believe we must prepare, be self concious and contolling, and practice. This will help us to convey our message and information clearly and in an appropriate communication style.
To my friends who had to listen to me presenting, i hope i didnt bore you guys outta your minds...

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