Sunday, May 24, 2009

LANGUAGE: Does Your Name Sound Funny?

Some find it unique; some find it hard to pronounce, but my name is Queenie. As far as I'm concerned, I was named after a kinda-hearted young lady in a classical movie. My aunt gave it to Daddy, who wanted to name me Debbie. After a while, Debbie was eliminated because it sounds almost similar to "Daddy". I have friends who called Harrison, whom we made it short to Harry (hairy) and Brian which we made it into Bra. It all gets very funny.

I even have plans on what to name my kids in the future. Some people may wonder why would a parent give funny names to their children. For example, Angelina Jolie's adopted son is called Maddox, which sounds like mad dogs to me. Meanwhile, Gwyneth Paltrow's daughter is called as Apple. Below are a few Asian names which bring both obvious and hidden meanings. Warning: This post may be a little offensive but they are all for laughters purpose.

Darriah (a popular Indian name) – Not everyone knows the spelling and pronounciation of diarrhea, but it sounds like that!

Hardick (a Hindi name) – Do not spilt the name into two. Anyway, the owner of the name will be attracting a lot of women.

Dough – It's either you want the child to sound cute as a doughnut or fats from the doughnut.

Dick – Tell me about it.

Pinky – Sounds like a trying-to-act-dumb girl to me, but I don't see we have Greeny, Blueny or Yellowy. So why Pinky?

Fanny – A euphemism for butt?

Phyllis – Congratulations Phyllis, you’re Syphilis free.

Jesus – Imagine when you are tired of your son's little tantrums and you go, "Jesus! Jesus, stop that!". Do not blame God.

Harry – It’s terrible when you have hairless legs and are called Harry.

Sukhdeep (popular Punjabi name) – Let your imagination runs wild when you spilt the name in two.

And the list goes on...

Keep It Short and Simple.

When naming your kids, think precisely of how a baby’s name should be - meaningful for the baby and the parents, simple in pronunciation and spelling. Keep in mind that your child will grow up eventually to an adult. Your daughter may sounds cute with Twinky at the age of 2 but the society will be laughing off their heads when she shows her business card with her name printed on it. Give a name that your child will be proud off.

Thought of a name?

Finally, you have one meaningful name for your child! Double check the name through internet or ask opinions from friends and family. Make sure it has no weird meanings in other languages or even belong to infamous celebrities. Before I end my post, I would like to share a joke about three young men.

Three young men from China -Bu, Chu and Fu flew to America to look for jobs. Nevertheless, to be an American citizen they have to change their names into English names. Bu decided to be named as Buck, while Chu wanted Chuck. As for Fu, he decided to go back to China.

I apologize for any conflicts along the post. But most of all, I love my name very much because my Nie (Queenie) sounds like hoNEY. =) What about yours?

Sign-ed off,

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