Tuesday, May 19, 2009


When we see someone for the first time they automatically give us an impression, which we base our perception upon. Perception is what we think of a person, it can be good, bad, funny, or confusing. Perception changes with the more you learn about that person and how you decide to interpret they’re actions and points of view.

If you see a homeless guy for example, your first perception of him would be that they are perhaps lazy, unfriendly or even rude. But if you would actually hear his story and get to know him your perception might change drastically, this may be because he might turn out to be a really nice person who might have just given up on life, for example.

I had experienced before that I had a bad perception of a person I knew many years ago. We met again not all to long ago and my perception changed for the better. The person had seemed to have changed for the better. So we began to hang out again together with other old friends of ours and it turns out that my fist perception had been correct.

Basically perception is linked to human communication because we decide to communicate with people differently considering of what we think of that person. If we percept a person to be nice, we will communicate with them in a more gentle manner being nicer. However, if we percept a person to be not of good nature we may avoid conversation or be rude and unacceptable of that person. Luckily for some people perception does change for the better but 4 others not so luckily.

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