Tuesday, May 12, 2009

social groups and how they are formed

Each of us belong or are part of a social group. Although there are the occasional few that prefer to stay alone, preferring not to be part of a group but rather to hang out alone. There are generally 3 popular ways in which people form social groups.

The first way would be when a group of people share the same interests and therefore can easily engage in a conversation and activities. These groups are usually the best to be in if you share the same interests as the other. For example, in my old school, there about 5 students who loved football above most other things. They formed a futsol team and were a group of best friends that apparently nothing could tear apart. Even now after about a year of being out of college they are still close friends and hang out even though they don’t have much time for football and similarities anymore.

Another most popular way people form social groups is by race. This happens in schools, the workplace, almost everywhere actually. There are several reasons for this. These include that the same races speak the same mother tongue, they share the same culture and beliefs or religion. This naturally attracts them to each other. Although communication is good within these groups, they are not multiracial and should not be encouraged as a permanent group. This is because group members may start feeling that their race is superior or feel uncomfortable talking to people of other races.

The third most popular way is probably total randomness. I say this because sometimes people in a group share almost absolutely nothing in common but still manage to get along very well with each other. for example, I had a best friend who was from Hong Kong. We were pretty much the opposite of each other with different personalities and characters but as I said, we were best friends and got along really well. This can also be the case in groups. Although not very commonly and often not long lasting.

Me personally prefer not to be part of any particular group but rather be “freelance”. This is a lot better I believe because u meet a lot more people with different communication methods and social behaviors. It is much more educational and interesting.

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