Friday, May 15, 2009

Helping Each Other

Can you imagine that all people in this world become selfish, cruel, inhuman, ruthless, etc...seeing people suffering in bad situation but non of person will give hand to them??? If this situation became reality, the result will only came with one answer, that is... the end of the world-Doomsday. Non of the people will take care with each other again, whats a depression between human and what is the meaning to survive and exist in this evil world? No point to stay alive. Indeed, we all human need love from each other. Love can represented a lot of meaning from many respects, for instance, family, friendship, lover, etc...

The defination of empathy is ability to re-create another person's perspective, to experience the world from the other's point of view. Empathy is an important element to put yourself into other shoe and it also exists on human when we are born. If a person can appropriate use this inherent gene as well, we can considered that we are live in 'heaven' already- the place which is full with peace. Let visualizing, if one day while you walk in a street, misfortune, your handbag have stolen by a thief, you seek help from other but no one take notice of and just passed by you, what kind of feeling you will have?

Take a grievous case-earthquake in Ci Chuan,China. A lot of people from different countries had participated as volunteers and they also had a goal that is gave aid to the victims who really need help. These volunteers no only had sympathy to victims but is empathy.They are really concern and clear-cut about the victims felt incapable. Volunteers know their fear, depression and sadness. Goverment also took part of it, they provided reinforcements, foods, cloths and so on. Thus, we can seen how empathy so important apply in a person and might change this world to become more better.

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