Wednesday, May 13, 2009


To develop the tourism rate in one country,government have consuming a lot of money in advertisement to achieve their goal. Thus, we can observed that how the advertisement message have a great impact to receiver while planing their vacation. Majority, the massage will transmitted to huge,wide spread audience via electronic and print media like newspaper, magazine, television, radio and so on. This type of communication is called Mass Communication. Mass communication actually pointed at the target of large audience and do not offer any contact among sender and receiver. Usually, it is develop by large organizations.

For instance, in tour advertisement,every country will performed different,because the culture, representativeness,local conditions and customs are different. Let me construct an example, in Malaysia,government generally will introduce that have multi races in Malaysia which is Malay,Chinese, India, Iban, Khadazan, etc, to shows that our country is a peaceful and unite as one's country.This message will make receiver feel secure when travel in Malaysia. Beside that, variety of foods, places of historic, rainforest to explore and culture can attract receiver direction to our country.

Nevertheless, mass communication have great influence to audience make an judgement.Mass communication can either bring out positive or negative outcome.If the mass media posted something bad about a person or a branch, this is enough to kill that person or branch's reputation and stop the business. However, mass communication almost always controlled by many gatekeepers before the news delivered.

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