Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Listeners

In our lives, we constantly face challenges and obstacles. Some are easily dealt with, yet for some of us we need professional guidance and help. When we do, we turn to psychologists. Psychologists are commonly thought to be those who deal with mentally unstable or those who have completely lost their minds. However, this is to a certain extent not true. Psychologists are in fact professionals who are involved in helping others live healthy and productive lives, as well as solving life's problems. On the other hand, psychiatrists are similar to psychologists, but instead are certified in treating mental disorders. This means the difference between a psychologist and a psychiatrist is that a psychiatrist is able to prescribe medication to his or her patients whereas a psychologist is only eligible to give advice.

Nevertheless, whether they are responsible for prescribing psychiatric medication or not, both professionals need to be good listeners. They need to know that listening to their patients require effort; they need to let their patients know that they are there for them. On top of that, people who make better listeners are those who are more people-oriented. Therefore, people who have people-oriented listening tend to understand how others feel and generally make better psychiatrists and psychologists. On the contrary, those who have insensitive listening are not advised to pursue either profession.

Furthermore, psychiatrists and psychologists who are empathic listeners are able to put themselves in their patients shoes. However, when it comes to advising patients, both professionals have to be careful with what advice they give. Giving inappropriate advice could cause suicidal tendencies of their patients and the end of the road for their career. When giving advice, a few solutions to solve the patients problem should be considered in order to expand the probability of recovery. Most importantly, both psychiatrists and psychologists should be very strong minded so that they do not get emotionally involved with the patient's challenge.

Psychiatrists and psychologists are both responsible for holding a patient's information and problems private and confidential. Psychiatrists and psychologists are also expected to be impartial to the patient's problems. They are expected to hold a cool front to exhibit stability to the patient. Any other reaction on their part could upset the patient further.

Being branded as insane when you see a psychologist is now obsolete; whenever you need advice on mental health, relationships, stress, anxiety, depression, substance and even sexual abuse, do not be afraid to consult a psychologist. We should feel no shame if we need help; life is full of ups and downs. To those out there who are struggling in unimaginable situations, "It is essential to our well-being, and to our lives, that we play and enjoy life. Every single day do something that makes your heart sing." (Marcia Wieder).

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

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