Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Short Messaging Service (SMS)

Short Message Service (SMS) is a communication service which allows the interchange of short text messages between hand phones. SMS is the most widely used communication method among people, with around 74% of hand phone users sending and receiving text messages daily. Although SMS does not involve two individuals conveying messages face to face, it is known as a type of verbal communication.

Nowadays, just about everyone uses abbreviations when typing their SMS, which is also known as SMS language. Many users prefer using abbreviations rather than spending more time typing out their messages in the proper spelling. Abbreviations used in SMS can be categorized into two, which consists of acronyms and short forms. An example of an acronym commonly used in SMS is "btw", which stands for by the way. By using this acronym, an individual only needs to type three letters instead of eight. Another type of abbreviation often used is short forms. When using short forms, only certain alphabets of an original word are used. For instance, "pls" is usually used in place of the original word, please, in SMS. The use of short forms also include using one alphabet or number that sounds like a part of a particular word, or even the whole word. These short forms include "b" that refers to the word "be", "4" that refers to "for" as well as "l8t" which refers to "later". Due to its frequent usage, shorthand used in SMS and instant messaging are often referred to as the cause of deterioration in the English language.

Even though SMS may seem like an easy way to communicate, it often causes misconceptions and misinterpretations. This is due to the fact that an individual is incapable of expressing their emotions when conveying a certain message using SMS as well as the fact that everyone perceives the same message differently. Take the phrase "I knew it" for instance. This phrase can be used to express both excitement and anger. For example, you receive a message that reads "I got the part in the musical audition!". After reading it, you reply "I knew it". By saying that, what do you really mean? Are you excited that your friend got the role? Or are you filled with jealousy and anger because you knew that you deserved the part more than he or she did?

Considering SMS does not involve face to face communication, people tend to turn to SMS when confronting or confessing their feeling to others. This is also known as escapism. The act of escapism is common among teenagers as SMS is often used to confess the feelings they have for one another. SMS is definitely a much preferred way to confess their feelings as they would not need to face rejection directly from that person which is harder to handle. SMS is also used when one wants to confront another who did something wrong. By using SMS, an individual need not face the "physical" wrath of the offended party.

To come to think of it, isn't it wonderful how the advancement of modern technology has allowed us to communicate in so many different ways, with using SMS being the preferred way? But with these technologies that do not require face to face communication, how would we ever know if the message conveyed was sincerely meant by the other? Have we lost the warmth in communication? Have we forgotten how to speak to each other?

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

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