Monday, May 25, 2009

Our emotions effect our communication

we constantly change our emotions or moods from one day to the next and from one moment to the next. at one point of time we are happy, then something happens such as we spill some coffee onto our shirt and we explode and get pissed off. our emotions include being happy, sad, angry, excited, nervous, annoyed, sleepy, hungry and a few more.

i'm a simple example to use to show how my emotions effect my communication styles. like today afternoon, after having 2 classes in a row i was starving and had a third class waiting for me. before that i was relatively happy and talked and joked more, but then i just started to get easily annoyed and less talkative. after eating again i was fine. in this short period of time my communication style had changed already just because i was hungry.

although this was only a mild change, sometimes the change can be severe. if a person is happy and u ask 'how are u?' you'll get a good chatty respons, after a few minutes after he got a phone call from his girl friend wanting to break up, he may be angry and shout at you.

for each emotion we have, we have a different way of communication that comes with it. these are the general ones
happy = chatty and cheerful communication style
angry = unfriendly and even rude communication style, often leads to arguments
annoyed = sarcasm often gets involved and it often turns to the more angry side
excited = jumpy and elaborative communication style
sleepy = more of an unresponsive communication style follows this.

there are more but these i believe are the main ones. so if someone seems to be in a bad mood, better be careful of what you say and do cause you might just make it worse.

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