Thursday, May 28, 2009

LISTENING: How Does It Feel?

The shampoo formed on my palm while my imagination ran wild through my past experiences. And I only had 40 minutes left before I stood right in front of all friends.

It all happened at the Leadership Camp about two months ago. On the last night, Mr Joel randomly picked three of us - Davka, Niraj and I to present a brief speech about past experiences. By the time came, my mind was still emptied with a specific topic. The three of us were called out of the hall and Niraj was assigned to be the first presenter, came Davka and lastly, me.

Niraj started to talk about his happiest moment when his father bought him tickets to watch the semi-final FIFA World Cup in Germany a few years back then. Unfortunately, when he was talking the rest of the crowd was not paying attention. Everyone was busy talking, even the ones I least expected him or her to be so rude to Niraj. Due to time constraint, Niraj couldn't manage to finish his speech on his saddest moment that had ever happened.

Davka stepped up confidently, determined to change the behaviour of the audience. She began about her journey all the way from Mongolia till Malaysia. It was exciting traveling from so far though there were times when she missed her family. The audience remained noisy, some unseated and distracting Davka's attention. Many little funny mischievous things happened it between. Obviously, Davka felt a little humiliated and angry. This must have been planned earlier by the other lecturers, I thought.

Finally, Mr Joel stepped forward together with Niraj and Davka. Mr Joel explained to everyone on the floor about the importance of listening and paying our respects to the speaker. Everyone was all ears. It has definitely taught each of us a lesson or two. Davka confessed about her feelings towards the ways her friends treated her when she wanted to share her priceless experience and Niraj felt the same, too. After that, it was my turn.

Since I wasn't given any specific topic so I randomly spoke about the misconceptions that people have on me. Surprisingly, everyone paid full attention. It really touched my heart knowing that a person's attention could make such a big difference in myself. Overall, I was glad that I was given a chance to say out things that had always been at the back of my mind. Thank you, Mr Joel. =)

PS: I'm still wondering what would have Niraj talk about his saddest moment. =(

Sign-ed off,

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