Saturday, July 11, 2009

Are We Moving On?

On 10 July, 2009 (Friday), my ex-school, SMK Bandar Utama Damansara (4) had its annual talent night. It is an event where most students of that school and ex-students get together to enjoy a good show performed by their talented students. It was an opportunity for me to meet up with my ex school buddies, some of the best friends of my secondary years.

The event was very successful; performances were also much better than previous years. However, it was not the performance that mattered, it was the time that I could spend with my closest friends. Ever since moving on to college, we rarely had the chance to meet up. Most of the time at college, I would always wonder how different it would be like if only we had gone for the same course. Although we keep in constant touch through instant messaging, it lacked the spontaneous humour and togetherness.

There are nine of us, four of whom were friends from my primary school, the other four from secondary. Regardless, we were so close during our secondary days. We would spend recess together, hang out together, share laughs and even faced and solved problems together. It was like we were family. I would feel so safe whenever I was around them, I could be myself when I was with them, never worrying about embarrassing myself or having to prove myself. I was always the true me without reservations when I was with them. The friendship we had was perfect; we were thick as thieves.

However, things seemed to change a little when we began college. Eight of us started college, whereas one of us went for national service. All of us were busy doing our own thing, though we occassionally managed to find time to meet up. The first few "meetings" were still a blast, laughs, jokes, photos, it was great. However, during this talent night, even though very slightly, some magic was gone. Communication between us was beginning to seem different. Is it true that in time, we would need to move on? Is it true that we will find others to replace the friendship we had?

Honestly, when I first started college, it was difficult for me. I was depressed, upset and could not accept the fact that my closest friends and I were actually separating. When meeting other people, I would compare them to the eight "family" members, wondering if they could ever be replaced. We never know what we have until it's gone; I never realized that the absence of these eight people in my life could affect me so badly. However, I am beginning to overcome these insecurities; feeling reminescent less and less as days go by (perhaps it is the overload of assignments that distract me).

What I would do to get the times we had back. "Where does all the time go?", a quote by Chief James Porter from the movie The College Road Trip, is really meaningful. Times passes so fast. I would never forget the times we laughed so hard that we cried, the times we went through obstacles together, the times we were inseparable. I love them and miss them a lot, and hopefully, they do too. Thanks for giving me the best school life a kid could ever wish for, thanks for an education in life, thanks for enriching my life. What would I have done without you guys? We may grow and change, but no time can take away what we had, not in a million years.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Patience when working with kids

This is actually a continuation of my last post as this takes place within the home of the children. After we finished our lunch and had introduce ourselves to all of the children and they had done the same, we were to help them with their homework. So since we were ten people and they were about the same number, they got to choose who they want as their tutor. So i got chosen by a 10 or 12 year old chinese boy.

He was a really nice kid that suffered from a caugh however. My task was to help him write a karangan (composition) in BM of 80 words. It was from one of those newspaper exercises where all the points are given. The karangan would have taken me perhaps 10mins to complete, but of caurse he was the one supposed to be doing it. So i tried to let him think most of everything, and his BM wasnt good, plus i had only 2.5hours sleep the night before, so my BM side of my brain wasnt workin well either. Not that my BM is good tho.

This is how it worked, he said his point of how he wanted to write it, then i corrected it as far as possible and then i had to translate and help him to write it out (not actually write but how to spell and things like that). Other children started helping me out and got rather impatient with him, somehow i was the most patient guy at that time. haha. Guess i can be really patient, alot of people tell me that but i dont really believe them, but this time i admit, i was really patient. Maybe cause i didnt sleep much and i was working rather slow myself, never know.

Anyhow, it took us an hour or more to finish the karangan!

After that we decided to go back. He asked me if we were planning to come back every weekend. I didnt know how to answer, I wasnt planning to come back actually, it just didnt seem to be my thing but that we actually meant so much to them touched my heart.

I really hope there are less people like me and more people who are willing to really help these children. It tought me alot though and i hope all goes well for these children.

visit to a home for underprivaledged children

This Trip took place last weekend, on sunday. It was a moral studies project that required us to go and visit a home either for old folks, orphans etc. and write a report, conduct an interview and help out. We went to home that was established by a church and was for children with needs that the family was not able to provide, or abused children.

We met up in the morning and went to the home at about 10.30 or 11. Upon reachin there we saw the children that were singing songs and then went straight for an interview that we had planned with the person incharge. This went relatively well except that our human communication skills were not really in used except for 2 people who were asking the question. We had to answer some ourselves though as well, and most of us were rather shy. After a while we got more comfortable, but as our turn to ask questions had finished with the last question being something like this "do you think that religion and faith affects a persons morality?". I thik this question triggered something in her as she started to go on about religion and faith. In the process she managed to contradict herself at least three times about heaven and hell. Honestly, people who dont really know the facts or dont know how to express what they think or know, should stick to their personal testimonies and not talk about the religion itself and what should be believed.

Well, anyhow, after that was done we went on to helping around the house, i took over washing the car and cutting the grass. Here i managed to get to know and interact a bit with some of the children. I also got to find out that some of them were scared of frogs as i managed to catch 3 and showed them to the children. After all this was done we had lunch but not with the children yet. Later on we got to introduce ourselves to them and they to us. Was fun and we were as shy as the children themselves i think.......

Friday, July 10, 2009

Who is the Best?

Yes, Joyi once told me there is an impromptu speech to be done in Human Comm. I was petrified in class because Sir actually refreshed my memory. Actually I don't feel anything wrong with it because I believe no matter how difficult the task is, you will still get it done in the end. It all depends whether you do it successfully or otherwise.

But the other day was different. I began to worry about the speech. It looked more like a motivation class rather than the usual lecture class. Suddenly Sir asked, "Who is the best?". Deep down inside, I knew the answer should be ME. A few of us actually said it out. I almost cried because I felt very stressed. I didn't want to say out my answer. I don't want to make a promise to anyone but I break it. Self-motivational books I have read a lot. Motivation camps and seminars I have been to many. The problem is inside me. I still don't own the courage to be bold enough to hold to my own beliefs.

Sometimes I like to stay quiet in class because I'm afraid of getting the wrong answers. There are times someone else have spoken my answers and they get the compliments. Who doesn't enjoy compliments? Sometimes I'd be brave, unfortunately, my answers are wrong. And I started to think a lot about why I can't live up to someone's expectations. But most of all, what I fear most is the way how someone judges me based on my feedback.

In an informal conversation with friends, I always lie to myself. Just because I don't want any bad consequences or circumstances, I conform with other people's thoughts even I have my own way of seeing it. I would rather be dumb or shallow-minded rather than to debate with someone else. Daddy taught me to be humble and talk when you're supposed to, listen when you're supposed to. And I also believe that we don't have to let the whole world knows what we know because it all doesn't really matter. What matters the most is whether we, ourselves truly understand it or we're just pretending to understand.

In class, I can tell many of us, excluding me, are very competitive. Not only they are good in academics but also in sports. And what makes me feel small is that I'm one year elder then the rest but I seem nothing. I never get to be the best but always come in second place. Even if I'm the best, I'm always sharing the position with someone else. Why can't it be only me?

As for the impromptu speech, I will probably go with the flow and must have a positive mind set. Meanwhile I shall just see what's in store for the up-coming lectures related to public speaking. Even if I won't be scoring for the speech, at least I have do my best. I don't think I will ever regret.

Signed off,

Public Speaking Experience

Since this week's class was about public speaking, I thought I'd share my own experience on it. If you know me, you would never guess that I have done public speaking. As far as I can remember, one of the first few times I went for public speaking was when I was eleven years old (Standard five). It was not exactly public speaking, but a story telling competition.

In conjunction with the "English language week", my school had organized a story telling competition, an annual ritual the school dutifully abided by. When I was in standard five, my English teacher, Miss Ngoh, asked for volunteers to participate in the competition. Obviously suicidal at that point, I raised my hand to volunteer. We were told to pick a story and we were "auditioned" in front of the whole class before we were eligible to join the competition.

I still remember my mother helping me choose a quirky poem written by Roald Dahl for me. It was entitled "The Ant Eater". She thought it would be unusual as it was a corny story written as a poem, unlike any other conventional story. Choosing a story was not the only obstacle. Preparing for it was even worse. My pronunciation, my gestures, my tone and pitch all needed to be perfected to suit the poem. There were many occasions where my panic button went off, just thinking about being on stage!( I did not know what to expect eventhough I did dance on stage once in standard one but I could not remember how that felt).

I was the only one out of five other hopefuls who had volunteered, to be selected. After a few more weeks of hard work, practice and guidance from both my teacher and my mother, the day I was waiting for (now dreading) finally arrived.

During the competition, I broke out in cold sweat; I was afraid of so many things. What if I forgot my words? What if I pass out even before I reach the microphone? When it was almost my turn, I had to calm myself down by giving myself a little "pep talk" (intrapersonal communication). I told myself that I would be fine, that I could do it. When it was my turn, I put on a brave front and walked towards the microphone, and began.

Once I was done, I was relieved. I was happy with my performance, I could say that I did well. No fumbles, no unnecessary pauses. A few weeks after the competition, during assembly, the winners of the competition were announced and trophies were given. The teacher announced from tenth place, slowly progressing to first place. Name after name, except mine, was called out. Finally when she announced second place( still not my name!) my heart sank.

Then it was announced"first place goes to..... Hooi Kit Wei!" I was stunned. I sat there with my mouth gaping open, full of disbelief that I was the champion. I stood up and raced towards the stage, went up, and was congratulated by the teacher. TRIUMPH!...such a sweet and irreplaceable feeling!

That was seven years ago. The experience was a real eye opener. I never knew that I had it in me; the confidence, the expression, the feel, it all seemed natural. However, when I proceeded to secondary school I never participated in any form of public speaking. Now that I am in college, it seems like most subjects require us to do public speaking and hopefully, I will be good enough to be who I was seven years ago.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Thursday, July 9, 2009

The Man.

Luckily I came just on time. The movie rolled in.

The record played College Road Trip staring Raven-Symoné and Martin Lawrence, just to name a few. The title speaks for itself as this movie is about the path to take to further one's studies. But to me, it's the other way round. I think it tells more about daughter and father.

I was pretty surprised to see Lucas Grabeel at the intro of the movie, but he holds such a teeny-weeny role in the movie. The laughters that roared in the class described it all because there are countless scenes especially those with the Greenhuts who keep singing and screaming. What striked me most, it actually made us, okay maybe only me, cried.

I'm well-known for my thousand litres of tears. I get touched easily. Or I can say, every little things that happen around me can easily make me feel emotional. First, I held back those tears. Then, it flowed. Next, it was beyond control. Finally, I cried silently.

College Road Trip very much relates to me and Daddy. It reminds me the day I left for National Service and also the day I arrived home, sound and safe. Then, I remember those 14 days how much I missed Daddy especially. Looking back at my own life, I cannot even remember the last time I sincerely say those three words to Daddy. Of course I tell him I love him, occasionally. Say, Father's Day? But deep inside, I know I just say it but not truly mean it. Daddy is a very cool man, as in cold and really flexible father who gives you enough freedom.

I hate the fact Daddy doesn't want to get me a car because he fears about safety. Everyone else around my age gets a car. Plus, I'm out of my probation period.
I hate the fact Daddy always makes Mummy waits for my door. I have my own keys.
I hate the fact Daddy takes the TV all by himself on weekends. At least, we both enjoy Asian Food Channel.
I hate the fact Daddy loses his temper easily. I'm just like him.
I hate the fact I talk to Grandpa more than Daddy ._.

I was browsing through My Pictures folder and I found none of the pictures are taken with Daddy. =(

Daddy, I always love you.

So Sir said this movie has something to do with our up-coming impromptu presentation. But I couldn't figure out a single thing related to it. I wonder what it is. =D *curious* And there's this one quote I like very much from the movie.

If they don't want you, it is their loss. =)

Signed off,

Guys, Take a nap!!

Just relax for a while~~A Jokes, that can make u smile in the middle of your stresses :D

Condom says to Kotex, 'When you work, I lose seven days of business.' Kotex replies, 'If you fail to work once, my business stops for nine months
A black guy and a white girl met at a night club. She took him to her apartment and said: 'tie me to the bed and do what black men do best!' so he ran off with the TV and VCD...
Wife: 'I wish I were a newspaper, so you can hold me every morning!' Husband: 'I wish you're a newspaper TOO, my dear so I can have a NEW ONE every morning! ===========================
A Chinese couple got married. When baby was born, her eyes were big and blue, hair was curly and blonder, skin was brown. Finally, name of the baby was SAM TING LONG ('some thing wrong')
A lady visited her doctor one morning. Doc said: 'You look so weak and exhausted! Are you eating your meals 3 times a day as I advised? Lady : 'Doc, I thought you said 3 males a day!' ============================
Phone rings and maid picks up the phone as her master is bathing..... When the caller asked what's he doing, the maid Replied: 'MASTURBATING.'(master bathing)===================================================
A Kid asks: Daddy? How did i come into this world?The Daddy Answered: Well, my child, somebody I'll have to tell you any way.The Kid asked again: So why not today? The Dad Respond: Please, listen carefully Mum and dad met each other in an Internet Cafe. In the Bathroom of that cafe, dad connected to mom.Mom at that time made some downloads from dad's memory stick.when dad finished uploading we discovered we didn't use any firewall.Since it was too late to cancel or delete, nine months later we ended with a virus.
Kid said: Oh~~So, I am virus..

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Charlie and Chocolate Factory

My most favour movie is "Charlie and chocolate factory". I have been repeating watch this movie without bored. This is an interest movie, if have time, just watch it as relax. First of all, the main character - Willy Wonka decides to let five children into his chocolate factory, he decides to release five golden tickets in five separate chocolate bars, causing complete mayhem. The tickets start to be found, with the fifth going to a very special boy, called Charlie Bucket. With his Grandpa, Charlie joins the rest of the children to experience the most amazing factory ever. But not everything goes to plan within the factory...

Charlie Bucket comes from a poor family but he was a filial boy, and spends most of his time dreaming about the chocolate that he loves but usually can't afford. Things change when Willy Wonka, head of the very popular Wonka Chocolate empire, announces a contest in which five gold tickets have been hidden in chocolate bars and sent throughout the country. The kids who find the tickets will be taken on a tour of Wonka's chocolate factory and get a special glimpse of the wonders within. Charlie miraculously finds a ticket, along with four other children much naughtier than him. The tour of the factory will hold more than a few surprises for this bunch.

Charlie Bucket is a young boy who comes from a poor but loving family and would love nothing more than to find a golden ticket to enter the amazing chocolate factory run by inventor and owner Willy Wonka. As luck would have it, Charlie finds the last golden ticket and goes on this once-in-a-lifetime adventure with his grandpa Joe. Among the other four winners are Veruca Salt, a spoiled rich girl; Augustus Gloop, a gluttonous kid who stuffs his face with sweets; Violet Beuragarde, a champion trophy gum chewer; and Mike Teavee, a kid who spends more time watching TV and playing video games than anything else. Most fascinating is the mysterious Willy Wonka who in turn had a troubled childhood and has a special grand prize at the end for one of the kids. Also along the tour are Wonka's staff the singing, working Oommpa Loompas.
Because of the kids expect do not obey the rule that Willy Wonka said so, they all get the punishment and of course out of the prize. Finally, the winner was Charlie.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Who Wins?

Let me ask.

Majority wins or minority wins?

CASE STUDY 1: A criminal is accused of murdering a young lady. Two neighbors saw the incident and they are called upon to be the witnesses. In the court, during the hearing, ...

Criminal: Sir, I would like to ask. Majority wins or minority wins?
Prosecutor: Majority wins, of course.
Criminal: Well, you have two people witnessed the incident. But there are thousands of people who did not see me murdering.

CASE STUDY 2: Ron was traveling on road with his brother. Suddenly, Ron saw a cow crossing the road and he shouted at his brother, "COWWWW!!!!". His brother braked the pedal at once, while Ron pulled up the hand break. Unfortunately, it was too late. The car behind of theirs banged into Ron's car. So was it Ron's fault or the driver behind?

I would say it was the driver behind. This is because the driver behind must be driving really close to Ron's car or else, he won't crashed into Ron's car. =P

Were you thinking that it was the cow's fault?
Just imagine having the cow in the court.


Signed off,


Dream works, it is. But not the animation studio.

What is your biggest dream?

A typical, common, simple and direct question. But what say you?

I could still remember the first week of Human Comm class vividly. Sir paired us up to get to know each other and I was assigned to be with Joelah. A very interesting girl with strong determination and confidence. Our conversation involves everything around us from family to friends and to future plans. A few minutes passed and we were called upon to introduce your partner to the whole class. The funny thing was everyone else had a piece of paper of their partners' details except for us. Despite not having Joelah in class anymore, I enjoyed talking to her and am glad to know her. Maybe I should thanks Mr Murali for the golden opportunity. Thanks Sir! ;D

After that, the introduction class continued with getting-to-know-Sir-better. So, Sir asked us to question him rather than self-introduction. Many questions were enquired but there was one which gave me a lot of impact.

What is your biggest dream?

And so, Sir's answer was to own a mansion on the cliff facing the sea. (if I'm not wrong)

Later, I started to wonder what would my answer be. I would be a loser if I find no answers to it. Personally, I think everyone's dream differs and it doesn't matter if it's easy, hard or impossible to be achieved. It's all about satisfying one individual's needs and wants. I seeked for a long time and I finally got one.

And my biggest dream is to travel across the world. Why? Because I want to explore? Because I want to know how does it feel on the other side of the planet? Because I want to know what is good and bad about other places? My dream may sounds common, however it is not easy. I believe the simplest thing can be the hardest thing. It requires commitments, determination and of course the special one to work it together with you.

Eventually, it becomes a habit of mine. I begin asking everyone around me what is their biggest dream. Some just told me they never thought of that. Some fooled around saying want to be like so and so.

One said he wants to be famous and rich. Unfortunately, I was disappointed as our dreams don't click together. Worse, he has no ideas why he wants that. Due to that reason, I feel that two persons are not meant to be together just because their dreams are different. It is silly but I believe one can always changes their own dreams just to satisfy the other halves that they love very much. But I think that is not sincere and truthful anymore.

So what is yours?

Signed off,

Verbal Aggression

People who are verbally aggressive does not mean that use foul words, but instead it means that they use harsh and demeaning words to make you feel useless and worthless. They shout at you and tend to exaggerate small problems, creating conflicts out of things that could have been otherwise solved easily. However, to be honest, when I was younger, I used to practise verbal aggression when things did not go my way. Personally, I feel that there are three main factors that caused me to use verbal aggression.

When I was under stress or anxiety, I tended to be more verbally aggressive. For your information, verbal aggression has been proven to be a type of defense mechanism generally used to deal with excessive anxiety. When I felt that I was under a lot much pressure, I needed to release it in some way or another.This was especially obvious when I was about to go for an examination or desperately needed to complete a task to meet the appointed deadline. When put under these situations, I would most of the time have shouted at others for no reason, making it seem like it was their fault. 'As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons' (Max Ehrmann).

The other factor included hunger. As the saying goes, 'A hungry man is an angry man'. When I was younger, hunger caused me to get irritated hot tempered very quickly. I would take it out on others by either ignoring them when they were trying to talk to me or by saying demeaning and unpleasant things I would have never said in normal situations. 'Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit' (Max Ehrmann).

The third factor was my occasional low self-esteem. When I did not like the fact that someone else did better than me, I would say harsh and demeaning things to him or her, just to make myself feel better. I would constantly pick on the person's weaknesses and vent my frustrations out on them. 'Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. 'Keep interested in your own career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time' (Max Ehrmann).

I have grown. I knew these imperfections were my weak traits, so I have tried my very best to control myself, constantly reminding myself that I must learn to blend with my peers, accept defeat and bask in whatever glory I deserve. 'If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself' (Max Ehrmann).

Today, the poem Desiderata, written by Max Ehrmann in 1920, is my mantra to being a better person, a more tolerant person, a happier person. I'm still working towards it.

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei

Friday, July 3, 2009


This week, my psychology class was about marriage, after Miss Selina gave the lecturer, I really have a great impact on it. Undeniable, love is blind and marriage will make people eye-open. If a marriage is failed, the divorce is not a best method to solve it. It is because spouses have to face a lot of dimension such as emotion. economic, co-parenting, community, etc.. So before getting marriage, it is important to have good marriage partner.

First of all, is Trust. When both partners trust each other implicitly, they are able to go through life with a tremendous amount of confidence and freedom. Secondly is Loyalty and Commitment. Actually, trust is built on a foundation of loyalty and commitment between the two partners. Many people get married with the concept that, "If I don’t like it, I’ll sleep around or get divorced." This is a recipe for disaster in any marriage. Marriage is about total commitment to your partner. Then is Helpfulness. Partners in a good marriage help each other constantly and accelerate their lives that way. Married life can be much easier than single life if both partners work together.

Eventually is about Friendship. Partners in a good marriage are good friends and gather strength and joy from that friendship. Subsequently is Kindness. Partners in a good marriage are kind to one another out of love and friendship. Other than that, patience and understanding also involved.Partners in a good marriage understand and forgive each other for the mistakes that come from being human. Lastly is Acceptance and Support. Partners in a good marriage accept one another and support each other constantly.

If a couple can maintain these qualities within the marriage, then success is much easier. Maintaining those qualities, it turns out, takes quite a bit of discipline. If one or more of these fundamental qualities is missing, then you can say with some certainly that the marriage will fail.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

When friendship over

Most friendships die a natural death: people move, change jobs, accept new responsibilities, or embark on different stages of life. Other friendships, however, end prematurely and abruptly. When a friendship is over and you don't understand why, it can be especially painful and puzzling. Sometimes a friend ends your relationship without telling you why you’ve been dropped. Sometimes a friend ends your relationship without expressing hurt feelings towards you.

The loss of friendship might be worth reflecting on. Knowing when a friendship is over and why it ended may help you build stronger friendships in the future. However, you can actually review your relationship, with this method, you can actually observed something and to advoid it and improve your relationship with other. or if you want to hold back, reestablishing and start again the relationship, you might write a letter to your friend. Express your feelings about the friendship. Do you miss seeing them? Do you have any regrets? Would you act differently if you were still friends? Tell your friend how you feel, be vulnerable, without accusing or complaining. Make it a positive, honest communication. When a friendship is over, you have nothing to lose.

Again, resolve those problem to make your existing friendships better. It is really important to having friend in every stages - in school, working, and later age.


NOOOOOO Prison Break its finally over! Well thats sort of contradicting but i mean it. Its sad that its over because it was a good action packed show. Alot of interesting things. its good that its over as it would have become a drag if they would have continued, such as Smallville. So now you know why i contradicted myself.

If you didnt watch the show, well then, i'm sorry. you wont really know what in the world i am talking about. Anyway, this in the first season Micheal scofield breaks his brother out of prison. In the second season they run run run from everyone n go to panama. In the third season it is mainly based in Panama where they are in a prison. In the final forth season they look for scylla in order to bring dowm The Company which is the cause for the whole mess.

In the last episode of the final season they manage to bring down the company, and most of the survivors live happily ever after excapt for Micheal Scofield. He finally dies of a brain tumor or something and all the bad guys get what they deserve. Best ending i have seen for a TV series! Usually they will just continue and continue and continue until the whole series loses its value.

I was rather happy that the main actor finally dies. It makes it more realistic and its not common to not see a main actor have a happy ending. So yeah, its a good show and you should watch it!


Family Communication

Family communication does not involve only both husband and wife but must also involve communication between them and their children. It is safe to say that the lack of communication between family members could be the reason why teenagers are commonly misunderstood by their parents. In this post, I am going to be judging from a college student's point of view. Just ask yourself these simple questions. How often do you actually interact with your family? What do you communicate about? Do you actually listen to another family member when he or she is speaking? Remember, hearing and listening are two different things. To communicate effectively with our families, I believe that we need to follow three simple steps.

Firstly, we have to make an effort to make time for our families. As a college student, we are constantly overwhelmed by homework and assignments. With this, we usually spend most of our time in front of the computer or laptop, isolated from our families. Furthermore, when we are not busy catching up with our work or completing our projects, we, being typical teenagers, prefer to hang out with our peers rather than spend the day with our families. Though I am not saying that it is wrong to go out with our friends, but there should be a balance between the time spent with peers and with our family. Even having a simple meal together could enhance the relationship between family members.

Secondly, what we talk about to our families is also a factor we should consider. When speaking to parents, teenagers often avoid sensitive subjects such as sexual intercourse. We teenagers are often embarrassed to speak up to find answers to related questions or too embarrassed to share our point of view, afraid that it might affect the way our parents treat us. However, having discussions about this could actually reduce the tendency of teenagers having unprotected sexual intercourse or unwanted pregnancies. Teenagers who are aware of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) are more likely to engage in protected sexual intercourse than those who are unaware of the potential risks of STDs.

Thirdly, we must make and effort to listen to our family members no matter how uninterested we are. As teenagers, we tend to think that we are high and mighty; that the rest do not matter. We should change that. We teenagers should open up and listen to our parents, our siblings. Listen to what they have to express and say. Why do they always say that parents are the ones who misunderstand their teenage children, but is never teenagers misunderstand their parents?

Therefore, not only teenagers, but also every other family member needs to make time to spend with family, talk to them and listen to what they have to say. Effective interaction between our family requires great effort but it all comes down to the bond we have with our families. Don't spend the rest of your life bickering with them; treasure every moment spent with them, let them know you love them, never take them for granted. One day we might just wake up only to find that we never had the chance to tell them that they were the best thing that has ever happened to us. 'Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted' (Paul Pearshall).

Written by,
Hooi Kit Wei